The weak points of a psychopath

They may seem cold and arrogant, but psychopaths fear, among other things, being exposed and having their inferiority revealed in some competition. Knowing their weaknesses would offer you certain advantages. You may find the terms “vulnerability” and “psychopathy” incompatible. In

6 types of psychological tests

Psychological tests are very common in assessment. They are usually administered in the first sessions because of their ability to

Existential psychotherapy, definition and characteristics

We discuss the therapeutic approach based on the existentialist philosophical current, where reflections on topics such as death, responsibility and

Understanding negative reinforcement in psychology

Contrary to common belief, negative reinforcement is distinct from punishment and, when applied correctly, can be very effective in reinforcing

Everything you need to know about integrative psychotherapy

In an increasingly challenging world, an integrative approach to therapy can be a source of comprehensive support and a path

When to give in and when not to?

We’ve all had to make that decision at some point: to give in or not to give in? In this

I take antidepressants and I feel worse: why

“I take antidepressants and I feel worse.” Do you identify with this situation? If so, in this article we will

What should I do if my partner has

Seeking support and allowing yourself to feel are two key tools for coping with a sudden breakup. Discover more strategies

Impact of anabolic steroids on the brain

Anabolic steroid misuse can completely disrupt the production and release of neurotransmitters. This has a major impact on mental health


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