Psychological video consultations: telemedicine in mental health

Teleconsultation in psychology has accelerated due to the changes that have occurred in the world in recent years. Who can benefit from this modality?
Although telemedicine is a reality in other countries, the truth is that in Spain a small-big revolution is taking place . Not only because of the lockdown, but also because of the difficulty in accessing traditional consultations. This has led to the digitalisation of healthcare, including psychological video consultations.

The care of psychological problems is not exempt from this health revolution. In this field of mental health, remote care has also arrived to coexist with traditional care.

Everything new generates reluctance. Although it is true that video consultations and telemedicine will continue to improve the improvable aspects typical of an emerging reality, the truth is that they are here to stay.

Below we will review the doubts surrounding remote psychological care and provide valuable information on the subject. There is no better way to overcome rumors than with information.

How is this type of therapy performed?

Although psychological video consultations may seem very innovative, they actually differ little from traditional consultations . The mechanism remains the same.

The strategies and techniques used in psychotherapy do not change, whether in a traditional physical consultation or in a remote one. Online therapy is structured in the same way.

There is an initial analysis and evaluation of the patient. After this, the most appropriate therapy is established and goals and objectives are set based on the expected progress.

In subsequent consultations, the agreed objectives will be monitored to see if they have been achieved. In this way, goals and new alternatives are worked on.

Although they may seem like many more, the main difference will be that the interview will be conducted through a screen.

Can I consult about any psychological disorder in a video consultation?

The reality is that there are few differences between the problems and pathologies that can be treated depending on whether the consultation is in person or remotely.

Although this is true, it is important to emphasise that in cases of extreme severity (major depression with a risk of suicide, for example, or states of acute agitation in a psychotic outbreak), it is not advisable to opt for psychological teleconsultation. There is a risk of losing very valuable information or the possibility of hospitalisation to stabilise the person in the midst of a crisis.

It would also not be the ideal option in cases of personality disorders with poor family support , as information regarding family ties and interactions, which are important when addressing the case in the best possible way, may be lost.

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In general, the truth is that the vast majority of psychological disorders and problems are potentially addressable through online consultations . In addition, it is worth highlighting the harsh reality that is occurring in our country, with the increase in cases of mental illness .

For which mental health problems are psychological video consultations most effective?

The list to answer this question is long. However, to answer it, we would have to focus on the mental problem itself and the type of person. Depending on both things, this modality may be interesting.

Young people and people familiar with new technologies are less hesitant and value this resource as an added value. And although age should not be an impediment (provided there is no communication problem, such as deafness or blindness), it is true that young people may prioritize convenience and saving time and money as a factor to take into account.

We must not forget the profile of people who travel frequently for work, who spend a lot of time away from home or who do not even have a reference home due to frequent changes of city. In this group, the fact of being able to have a reference therapist at a distance is a great benefit for follow-up. Something similar happens with those who have mobility problems.

The type of disorder may also make certain problems benefit from this therapy in the form of a video consultation . Social phobias and agoraphobia problems mean that the person, from the environment in which they feel safest, can communicate with the person who will carry out the psychotherapy.

So, let’s recap in a very general way the problems for which psychological video consultations could be very useful. They are the following:

  • Family therapy .
  • Eating disorders (especially in adolescents).
  • Addiction problems.
  • Anxiety.
  • Changes in self-esteem.
  • Depression.
  • Problems managing social skills .
  • Labor problems.
  • Phobias.
  • Sexual and relationship problems.
  • Hypochondria and somatizations.
  • Sleep disorders.

How is the privacy of my data ensured during a psychological video consultation?

Although it may be thought that the management of clinical data and interviews can be uploaded to the famous cloud and become a coveted target for hackers , the truth is that the different platforms work with computer programs that guarantee 100% security . Information encryption protocols are followed, which ensures absolute confidentiality.

A secure digital environment is needed for this. The typical consultation via WhatsApp or an email that is not connected to data encryption technology is not enough. When looking for a reference therapist, it is advisable to prioritize those professionals who guarantee and put in writing that the privacy and security of the medical act is protected.

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What challenges do psychologists face with online therapy?

The main challenge for mental health professionals will be to overcome the doubts that arise regarding the new. Cybersecurity must be one of the bastions on which telemedicine and remote psychology consultations will have to be based. The passage of time and continued use will play in their favor to overcome initial reluctance.

Another challenge will be to attract followers to this new form of consultation. There are professionals who are not trained and may not be familiar with the method. They may even feel uncomfortable with this way of carrying out therapy.

It is best not to force anyone and let the results and satisfactory experiences of other colleagues help them overcome their initial doubts. Joining psychological video consultations is not an obligation, therefore, we must respect those who prefer a traditional physical consultation .

Advantages and benefits of online therapy

The benefits of psychological video consultations are multiple:

  • Travel is avoided: it is easier to coordinate schedules and speed up and reduce waiting times. The patient agrees on the way the consultation will take place and chooses the time of day. The duration of the sessions will be the same, but travel is saved, so people can better optimize their work and personal lives.
  • Accessibility to a greater number of professionals: by not being limited to a geographical area, the portfolio of professionals is expanded.
  • Personalized care: depending on each case and after an initial assessment, the patient can be referred to the most suitable person to obtain results.
  • Secure environment: sessions are usually held on a secure platform suitable for mobile, tablet and computer. All conversations generated will be private and confidential.

Telemedicine is a useful tool to save a valuable resource such as time . In addition, it avoids spending time in waiting rooms. Not to mention that many mental problems are more likely to be addressed from the privacy and comfort of home.

Savia is MAPFRE’s telemedicine platform where users can enjoy comprehensive management of their health. What does this mean? You have a doctor on your mobile 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: you can speak through our app or website quickly and without having to travel to a general practitioner or a specialist via chat, video consultation or phone call. In addition, you can hire services both in person and at home in the best centres throughout the country and with the best professionals.