What are the most important human virtues?

Virtues are character qualities that bring you closer to excellence and that also help you reach your human potential. Here we describe them, so that you can build a better version of yourself.
Talking about human virtues or “being virtuous” may not make sense or stand out among the important issues of a current situation as complex, changing and even dystopian as ours. However, philosophy has considered them for centuries almost as the cornerstone of morality. And for positive psychology, virtue is a core element in understanding happiness.

The truth is that now more than ever, it is time to value and exercise these qualities. They are attributes that guide your behavior, that inspire you and promote social harmony. These ethical and moral principles guide you to act in a fair or kind manner, to respond with equity, to have faith in difficult times. Let’s delve a little deeper below.

Human virtues, important for well-being and development

Virtues are qualities or character traits that serve as a framework for human well-being and social coexistence. For Plato, Aristotle and Stoicism, they formed the path to an ethical and happy life. It will not surprise you, therefore, that psychology was interested in these dimensions, to the point of devoting several decades of research to them.

It was Martin Seligman and his colleague Chris Peterson who gave us one of the best-known works on this subject. Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification (2004) is the result of more than 20 years of work. In its pages, they delved into how to cultivate this set of characteristics and how they help us interact with life in a meaningful way.

These are the most important virtues

Martin Seligman and his team studied the different philosophical traditions, religions and cultures of our world, to deduce that there were a series of virtues that most of us had in common. These are six qualities that integrate the most decisive strengths, values ​​and moral principles in your personal fulfillment and social coexistence.

1. Wisdom and knowledge

It refers to your ability to acquire and apply knowledge effectively. Think that wise people use their experience and learning to make good decisions and help.  It is, therefore, a very important area for your life and society as a whole.

2. Courage

Having courage is the daily exercise that helps you face difficulties, dangers and challenges in a brave way.  It doesn’t matter if at the end of these journeys you are successful or not, in reality, it is a way of understanding existence. Courage is an attitude that complements perseverance and integrity in your actions and behaviors.

3. Humanity

It is a virtue focused on interpersonal relationships and caring for others. Humanity is one of the most beautiful and necessary qualities for building a more ethical society,  because it includes empathy, kindness and love for others.

4. Temperance

Temperance moderates and controls impulses, desires and emotions, while avoiding excesses and maintaining a balance in life.  From a psychological point of view, it should be noted that it is a core quality, because with it you regulate your behavior, make better decisions and achieve adequate self-control.

5. Justice

Being fair ranks high among the most important human virtues. Through justice, you act with fairness, impartiality, and respect for everyone’s rights, to ensure that each person receives what they deserve. This virtue also makes it easier to make decisions based on ethical and legal principles, without favoritism or discrimination, striving to treat everyone equally .

6. Transcendence

This dimension connects people to something larger than themselves, thereby providing meaning and purpose in life. It encompasses appreciation of beauty, gratitude, hope, and spirituality.

Psychology also highlights the role of self-transcendence , and how this exercise helps human beings cope and even thrive in adversity.

More human virtues that you can practice

Although this manual by Seligman and Peterson was published in early 2000, interest in this area is still growing today . Virtue research is related to prosocial behavior and personality, hence the importance of continuing to delve deeper into the field.

There are more fundamental virtues that favor your personal and social development, and that help create a more balanced and meaningful life. We will explain them below.

7. Honesty

Honesty is the quality of being truthful, sincere and direct in your words and actions. Those who practice this virtue do not hide the truth or try to deceive, even when doing so can have negative consequences. It also implies being true to oneself, expressing what one really thinks and feels, as well as acting according to those principles.

8. Integrity

When you have integrity , you adhere to a moral or ethical code that is always in line with your values, even in situations where it might be easier or more convenient to do otherwise. You say the right thing and demonstrate a strong consistency between your words and your actions.

9. Responsibility

A responsible person is aware of the consequences of what he or she does and does not hesitate to proceed diligently to fulfill his or her duties. Responsibility also implies a willingness to accept and learn from mistakes, without blaming others for one’s own failures.

10. Respect

Respect is an essential virtue for coexistence in our society. It is the recognition and consideration of the dignity and rights of others. It is manifested in the way you treat people, listen to them carefully, value their opinions and behave in a polite and courteous manner.

11. Enthusiasm

An inspiring and contagious virtue is enthusiasm . It is the manifestation of a positive and passionate attitude with which you always demonstrate great energy and motivation to achieve goals and excel. Thanks to this quality, you manage to innovate, attract success and have a better disposition when taking on challenges.

12. Sense of purpose

Sense of purpose is the virtue that connects you to a greater goal, so it gives direction and meaning to all your actions. It is the inner force that drives you to pursue goals that transcend the personal, align dreams with deep values, and also contribute to the well-being of others.

Consider that cultivating this quality gives you motivation and resilience.  In addition, every effort counts and every challenge stands as an opportunity to grow and leave a positive mark on the world.

13. Gratitude

Gratitude is an attitude of appreciation and recognition towards people, their actions and life itself. Thanks to it, you can focus on the positive and cultivate a more optimistic mindset. Gratitude  connects you with others, as it involves recognizing the positive impact they have on your life and expressing it sincerely.

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14. Generosity

Being willing to give something selflessly, without expecting anything in return , is generosity. You do this, for example, by sharing resources, time, knowledge, or emotional support. A generous person is driven by the desire to contribute to the well-being of others,  which strengthens social ties and promotes a more supportive and united community.

15. Humility

Being humble is one of the noblest and most important virtues. It is the quality of being modest and aware of one’s own limitations, without falling into complacency or pride. Through humility you recognize your achievements, but you also accept that there is always something new to learn and that others may have skills and knowledge superior to yours.

16. Perseverance

Perseverance is the ability to maintain effort and determination over time, despite obstacles.  This virtue allows you to continue moving forward in pursuit of your goals, even when the results are not immediate or circumstances suddenly become adverse.

17. Sense of unity

It refers to that disposition in human beings that values ​​collaboration, empathy and collective commitment. Through it, the common good is always sought above personal interests.

18. Self-control

A person with self-control does not get carried away by impulsive reactions, but acts in a thoughtful and conscious way, aligned with their actions, values ​​and long-term goals. It is a skill that you learn over time and that, little by little, can end up defining you and bring you great psychological well-being.

19. Prudence

Prudence is the ability to carefully evaluate options before making a decision. You do so after considering the possible consequences and associated risks. Prudent people always proceed with caution and common sense, avoid rushing into things, and seek a balance between what they want and what is actually possible or desirable.

20. Vitality

Enthusiasm and energy drive vitality , living with passion and joy, approaching each day with vigor and a positive attitude. It is, in turn, that inner strength that motivates you to pursue dreams, overcome challenges and enjoy yourself to the fullest.

21. Loyalty

Loyalty is faithfulness and commitment to the people, causes, or values ​​you are attached to. Being loyal is remaining constant in your support and defense of someone, even when times are difficult or when it might be easier or more opportune to leave.

22. Patience

It is often said that patience is the mother of all virtues , and no wonder. You are faced with the ability to endure difficulties, delays or inconveniences without losing your cool or your spirit. A patient individual is able to wait without getting frustrated, because he understands that some things take time and that the results are not always immediate.

23. Kindness

Treating others with courtesy, generosity and affection is one of the most beautiful virtues that men and women can practice . Also, consider that when you are kind , you create a positive and supportive environment, which strengthens relationships and promotes a sense of community and solidarity.

24. Tolerance

Tolerance is a quality that we should all practice from an early age. It involves accepting and respecting differences, whether in opinion, culture, religion or lifestyle. Being tolerant means understanding that diversity is an essential part of humanity and that each individual has the right to maintain their own beliefs and behaviors, as long as they do not harm others.

25. Sorry

Forgiveness is one of the most important, shining and inspiring human virtues. It involves releasing resentment, anger or the desire for revenge towards someone who has hurt us. Instead, it is about choosing understanding and inner peace. Forgiveness, however, does not mean forgetting or justifying the offense, but rather not allowing the pain to control your emotions and actions.

26. Optimism

Seeing the positive side of situations and expecting favorable results is the attitude that optimism pursues . An optimist is not naive, but strives to trust that things will improve and that challenges can be overcome with effort and determination. This is one of the virtues most emphasized by positive psychology .

27. Solidarity

Solidarity is the commitment to support and help others, especially in times of need or difficulty.  It is based on the recognition of human interdependence and the desire to contribute to the common good.

28. Diligence

Being diligent is a highly desirable virtue for several reasons. First, because it allows you to work diligently, carefully and persistently to effectively meet your obligations and achieve your goals. Second, because it helps you maintain a meticulous and constant focus, in which there is no room for giving up.

29. Creativity

Creativity is a virtue and a quality that makes it easier for you to find innovative solutions to problems.  A creative person thinks in a flexible and unconventional way, in the sense that they explore different perspectives and connections between seemingly disparate concepts.

30. Flexibility

To improve your psychological well-being, for many reasons, it is important to be flexible. It helps you adapt to changes and new situations in a positive and effective way. With this virtue, you can adjust plans, attitudes and behaviors as circumstances require, without losing sight of your main objectives.

On the other hand, flexibility is also linked to resilience, as it allows you to face challenges with an open mind and willingness to find new solutions.

31. Courtesy

Courtesy is the expression of respect and consideration for others through kind and polite behavior. These are people who strive to be attentive, use good manners, and show respect in all their interactions.

32. Honesty

An exceptional virtue is honesty, because it allows you to act with integrity, justice and respect for moral values ​​and laws. Thanks to it, you are trustworthy, faithful to the truth and you avoid any form of deception or corruption. Keep in mind that being honest is fundamental in any society, since it is the basis of trust and security in human relationships and institutions.

33. Discipline

Being disciplined helps you follow a set of rules or regulations consistently, and stay focused on goals despite distractions or temptations. A disciplined person possesses, although it may seem redundant, the self-discipline necessary to regulate their behavior,  manage their time efficiently, and fulfill their responsibilities without the need for constant supervision.

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34. Determination

Determination is the firmness of purpose and the ability to maintain focus on goals, despite obstacles and challenges. A determined individual is not easily discouraged, but persists with tenacity and resolution until his goals are achieved.

35. Mercy

Showing compassion and forgiveness toward those who have made mistakes or are in situations of suffering is what we know as mercy. This virtue goes beyond justice, since it includes deep empathy and a desire to alleviate another’s pain, even if the person does not deserve it from a strictly legal or moral point of view.

36. Equity

Among the most important human virtues , fairness cannot be missing . It is knowing how to treat everyone impartially and fairly, recognizing and respecting their rights and needs. Unlike equality, which means treating everyone the same, being fair is recognizing individual differences and giving everyone what they need to achieve the same level of success or well-being.

37. Tenacity

Do you consider yourself a tenacious person ? Thanks to this character attribute, you remain firm and persistent in achieving a goal, even when the circumstances are discouraging. Consequently, you do not give up, but rather you move forward with determination, courage, and overcome obstacles with creativity and effort.

38. Kindness

It is impossible to forget kindness in this list of virtues. It is the quality of being respectful, generous and considerate, acting with benevolence and seeking the well-being of others. It is also caring about the feelings and needs of those around you and having the willingness to help and show empathy in your daily interactions.

39. Authenticity

Authenticity allows you to live more fully and satisfyingly, as you are not caught up in the need to meet external expectations or project a false image. Being authentic also fosters respect and admiration from others, as sincerity is a quality that is valued in any interaction.

40. Fidelity

Commitment and loyalty to a person, cause or idea is the purpose of fidelity . Through it, you remain constant and firm in your support, even when there are problems or temptations. Keep in mind that a faithful person is not only reliable and constant, but also adheres to their promises and obligations, whether in personal or work relationships or in their values ​​and principles.

41. Ability to question

The ability to question is a much-needed human virtue in this world dominated by media and hyperinformation. Thanks to it, you reflect critically on news, ideas, beliefs and established norms. You seek to understand them in depth and evaluate them from different perspectives.

Also, with this approach you don’t just accept things as they are, but rather you investigate, ask questions, and challenge assumptions in order to reach a clearer and more accurate understanding.

42. Balance

Being a balanced person is a virtue that will bring you great well-being. It allows you to maintain stability and harmony in different aspects of life, such as work, personal relationships, emotional well-being, etc. You know how to distribute your time and energy so that each area of ​​your existence receives the necessary attention, without excess or neglect.

43. Consideration

A considerate person shows empathy and respect in their interactions, and avoids causing harm or discomfort.  Consideration is essential to maintaining healthy and harmonious relationships, as it fosters an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

44. Frustration tolerance

By achieving a high tolerance to frustration, you do not let yourself be carried away by anger or despair, but rather you look for solutions and adapt with resilience to an adverse context. It is a basic virtue in this complex world that does not always act or respond as you would like.

45. Discretion

Discretion is the quality of always behaving with respect and care. Also, trying to maintain confidentiality when necessary and avoiding behavior that may be inappropriate.

46. ​​Be tactful

This is the virtue of communicating and acting with delicacy and consideration, especially in sensitive situations. It also involves having the ability to understand how your words and actions can affect others, so you have to choose carefully what you say and do to avoid hurting or upsetting them.

47. Kindness

Being gracious is being kind, courteous, and considerate in your interactions. It means being able to demonstrate a genuine willingness to help and support.

48. Self-love

Self-love is a virtue that works like a powerful muscle for your psychological health. It allows you to respect yourself and recognize your own worth in order to meet all your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs as you deserve.

A person with self-love accepts himself as he is, with his strengths and weaknesses, with his virtues and defects , and strives to maintain a healthy balance between his desires and his obligations.

49. Altruism

Altruism is the willingness to act for the benefit of others, sometimes at the expense of one’s own interests or comforts. When someone responds altruistically, they do so out of concern for the well-being of others and are willing, whenever possible, to make sacrifices to help those in need, without expecting anything in return.

50. Serenity

Serenity is the state of calm and inner tranquility that helps maintain mental and emotional peace, even when situations are stressful or difficult. This is one of the most useful human virtues for your well-being and coexistence, because it facilitates having greater clarity in the mind, making better decisions and having a more balanced life.

Being virtuous to live better

Virtues are those qualities that elevate you and inspire you to be the best version of yourself, and to touch the souls of others with more love, compassion and authenticity. When you cultivate kindness, courage, perseverance and other qualities in your daily life, you connect with the deepest part of your being and with those around you.

These are dimensions that transform you, make you more human and allow you to live with greater respect in society. And psychology and philosophy deepen them, because they act as that internal heartbeat that gives us the strength necessary to be more united and gain in well-being.