Discover what gifted adults are like

Despite the popular belief that high intelligence leads to success, people who possess it often experience dissatisfaction and a feeling of being misunderstood.
Gifted adults stand out for their empathy, sensitivity, creativity, and of course, above-average intelligence. Although these qualities give them some advantages, they are also associated with challenges that impact their development and general well-being.

Many of them spend their childhood and youth in an atypical way, without being aware of their giftedness. This lack of recognition can lead to them reaching adulthood feeling excluded and disconnected from a reality that they perceive as unstimulating, rigid and boring.

Who do we mean when we talk about “highly gifted people”?

It has typically been thought that a high IQ is synonymous with giftedness. However, specialists in diagnosing giftedness consider other indicators, such as creativity and learning style.

The Spanish model of Castelló and Batlle considers that the intellectual capacity of these students exceeds the 75th percentile in all areas of intelligence , such as verbal reasoning, logical reasoning and memory.

High abilities manifest themselves in various ways, encompassing different types of talents, including:

  • Simple talent : verbal, logical, mathematical, spatial and/or creative.
  • Complex talent: academic and/or artistic-figurative.

The term “giftedness” refers to a unique combination of talents and abilities that goes beyond the ordinary, including various intellectual and creative areas. Regarding gifted children , current studies define them as those who have an outstanding learning ability and a way of learning very different from that of most of their peers.

Characteristics of highly gifted adults

Let’s see below what traits usually define adults with high abilities, beyond a high IQ.

1. They are perfectionists and ambitious

Their minds are full of goals and desires. They are very demanding people who often come into conflict with a reality that is too structured and unstimulating. Despite occupying prominent work positions and excelling in their areas, they often experience a persistent feeling of dissatisfaction.

This is due to the difficulty they encounter in trying to reach high standards. This insatiability arises from the contrast between their search for meaningful challenges and an environment they perceive as monotonous and grey.

2. They have a good sense of humor

A sense of humor is almost always a sign of intelligence. In these profiles, this characteristic is revealed in the ability to understand and play with irony and sarcasm, as well as in their skill with word challenges and subtle jokes. These people use humor as a clever tool.

3. They have a high emotional sensitivity

Gifted adults often have a long history of disappointment, due to their high values ​​and strong sense of justice. They are also empathetic people who easily perceive the emotions of others.

These dimensions cause them to feel frustrated by a reality, often cruel, that does not fit with their schemes. Although it is common for them to try to hide their suffering, their high sensitivity makes them prone to feeling hurt and deceived.

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4. They are curious and interested in learning

They display a constant thirst for knowledge and a genuine interest in improving themselves in various fields. Curiosity drives them to explore new ideas and perspectives.

For example, they could spend their free time reading, teaching themselves languages , or expanding their knowledge in areas that intrigue them, even those outside their professional specialty.

When given the opportunity to develop their talents in a suitable environment, these people are capable of finding innovative solutions to various problems. In addition, their abstract thinking is highly developed.

5. Their minds are hyperactive and nonconformist

They have restless minds, always searching for new ideas and intellectual challenges. Their nonconformist nature leads them to question and explore beyond conventional boundaries.

They exhibit what is known as tree thinking, meaning that a single idea can lead to multiple ramifications that need to be addressed. If you don’t learn to manage this capacity for analysis and association, this trait can be exhausting.

In addition to these general characteristics, precocity is a key indicator of high abilities 

, since these people usually learn to read, write, calculate and speak at a much earlier age than average.

Main emotional challenges of these profiles

There is a common perception that intelligence guarantees success. However, the truth is that not all people with brilliant minds manage to achieve professional success or even happiness. In fact, a frequently observed trait is that highly gifted adults live with the eternal feeling that “ there is something wrong with them.”

Dissonances appear in their daily lives. There is a gap between what they are looking for and what is offered to them. They experience the feeling that the world is too rigid and their overly curious minds can be very challenging in this conformist environment.

In this scenario, emotional challenges are in plain sight. Let’s get to know them.

1. They often have existential crises

These people, being very aware of the complex (and sometimes daunting) world, delve into deep philosophical and existential reflections. Amidst unanswered questions and inevitable death, they explore their existence with full awareness of the good and bad things in life.

The gap between their expectations and reality can sometimes lead them to develop existential depression , which is characterized by the feeling that life has no meaning.

2. Sometimes, they find it difficult to accept mistakes and failures

The self-imposed pressure of high expectations can lead to a resistance to recognizing and learning from less successful situations. This emotional challenge can affect your personal and professional growth, as perfection becomes a constant goal.

3. They feel that they are different and that they do not fit into the world

They feel like they are “out of place” in almost any environment, as if they are out of place. This belief that they are different from the norm creates a feeling of isolation and loneliness, as connecting with others can be a challenge.

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However, gifted adults often value interpersonal relationships. When they find like-minded people with whom they can share interests, they build authentic and satisfying bonds.

4. They self-sabotage their performance and have creative blocks

Despite their exceptional abilities, these individuals sometimes tend to self-sabotage . Intense self-criticism, combined with a persistent fear of failure, can lead to procrastination and creative blocks. This tendency significantly limits the development of one’s potential.

On the other hand, they often experience impostor syndrome , a situation in which they doubt their own achievements and feel that they do not deserve the success they have achieved. This experience can intensify self-destructive patterns.

5. If they are not in challenging situations, they get bored

Lack of stimulation, in line with their needs, can result in demotivation and affect general well-being. In contexts where most people find entertainment and fun, adults with high abilities often feel deeply bored.

In response, they might seek additional avenues for learning, engage in more challenging projects, or explore research opportunities.

Underdiagnosis of high capacities

The diagnosis of high abilities is carried out through various methods and usually includes strategies such as:

  • Psychometric assessments such as the WISC for children and the WAIS for adults, to evaluate cognitive ability.
  • Direct observation, interviews and questionnaires with parents, teachers and the individual himself.
  • Psychological and emotional assessment to explore personality traits, social skills and emotional management.

An accurate diagnosis is essential, as this particularity requires educational adjustments to meet individual needs. In addition, early detection helps prevent emotional and social challenges associated with giftedness.

However, there is a low quality of diagnosis of high abilities in children and adults. These are often made late, incompletely or imprecisely.

For example, a study published in Educação Por Escrito  found that 80% of its sample population was diagnosed in adulthood and less than 8% received any educational response throughout their schooling. Meanwhile, according to an article by the Spanish Association of Gifted and Talented Children, Adolescents and Adults (AEST),  10% of students in the Spanish educational population have this condition, but only 0.33% are recognized as such in 2017.

On the other hand, it is not uncommon for errors to be made in the diagnosis, leading to the confusion of High Abilities with ADHD , Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

It could be my case… what do I do?

If you have identified with the above points but have not yet received a precise diagnosis, do not hesitate to consult a specialized professional for guidance. Detection can pave the way not only for you to achieve your personal expectations and take advantage of your potential, but, most importantly, to get closer to your well-being and happiness.