Conversational hypnosis, what is it?

Conversational hypnosis encompasses a series of techniques that seek to gain control over the will of another person. Do you want to know them?
Conversational hypnosis is a method for implanting suggestions when speaking to another person . It uses some tools of classical hypnosis, but it does not have a therapeutic purpose. Rather, it seeks to exert influence on an interlocutor, so that he or she is persuaded of something or feels motivated to take some action.

The first thing to clarify is that hypnotic states are more common than we probably think . They occur when someone becomes absorbed in a situation, as if the rest of the world did not exist. In this state, a person is more easily influenced. This is the basic premise of conversational hypnosis.

There is a misconception that a hypnotized person completely loses his or her will  and is able to follow any instructions given by the hypnotist. This is not actually true. No one can be forced to do something that goes against their essence; however, they can be persuaded or influenced. Let’s see what conversational hypnosis is all about.

« With conversational hypnosis we can make our business project sound much more attractive, make our boss or client forget some detail that we want them to overlook or make an aspect that reinforces us more vivid in their memory, for example . »

-Nacho Munoz-

Conversational hypnosis

Conversational hypnosis is a structured method of persuasion that seeks to influence the perceptions  and beliefs of a person or group through verbal, non-verbal and vocal language (the latter being associated with the management of the voice and speech). It is used in everyday life, in marketing and in politics, among others.

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Those who practice conversational hypnosis say that it is a practice aimed at the “reptilian brain” – the most primitive and instinctive part of our brain. Perhaps it would be more accurate to speak of the unconscious. Through a series of techniques, the rational mind is bypassed, so that suggestions are implanted in the other person, without them realizing it.

Anyone can use this type of hypnosis . It does not require special skills, but it does require a lot of practice. The basic techniques must be applied over and over again until sufficient skill is acquired so that other people do not notice that they are being influenced.

The process of conversational hypnosis

Within conversational hypnosis there are four main tactics.

Establishing a framework

It consists of “taking control” of a conversation. The framework is precisely that: the person who exercises hypnosis is the one who must direct the situation. However, this is not achieved by making displays of power or impositions, but quite the opposite.

The basics of this type of hypnosis is to hijack the interlocutor’s will. This can only be achieved by linking agreements. The key is precisely in that, in adapting to the other person, observing what they say and beginning to give them positive feedback that encourages agreements in this regard.

For example, if there is a conflict between two people, you listen to the other person and you can start suggesting things with phrases like: “I see that you have excellent arguments and good reasons for being dissatisfied. Even so, we could see if the other party says something valid.”

Generating rapport

Rapport is a harmonious psychological connection with the other person. Its function within conversational hypnosis is to create a climate of trust. The technique used in this case is to imitate the other person in everything : their tone, their style of speaking, even paraphrasing what they say.

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The underlying idea is that, unconsciously, we tend to trust people who are like us. How many people have been hired because they studied in the same place as the person who selected them!

A pattern of change

It is applied when a person is already absorbed in the conversation and is therefore more easily influenced. The technique used in this case is based on stories and anecdotes . Through them, the other person is given an “order” without being aware of it. Asking for something directly often generates suspicion. On the other hand, doing so in the context of a story causes the order to be implanted in the unconscious.

A closure of involvement

Once the hypnotic suggestion has been implanted in the interlocutor, the subject can be closed, even by directly requesting what is sought. Immediately, change the subject. This generates a “selective amnesia” and thus the request is consciously forgotten, but remains firmly fixed in the unconscious.


Conversational hypnosis has proven to be effective in many areas . In fact, advertising makes constant use of these techniques. Political leaders are also frequent practitioners of this or similar methods.

An ordinary person can also become very skilled in using these techniques . It is advisable to practice them continuously, since the success of this type of hypnosis lies in carrying on the conversation in the most natural way possible.