Kareon Rosario

7 myths about chemistry between people

Have you ever met someone with whom you had amazing chemistry and then things fell apart after several disappointments? There are many myths to be debunked on this topic. The following article explains them.The chemistry between people is experienced as a magical cocktail of emotional, cognitive and even neurological content . Oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin act […]

Psychological effects of migration on children

The emotional impact of migration on children is very high. Many children often feel psychological distress and the pressure of integrating into a new country that sometimes discriminates against them.The psychological effects of migration on children can last into adulthood . Many arrive with trauma, carrying the emotional anguish of leaving a parent or family member […]

Is it true that power changes people?

Is it true that having a position of power corrupts people and makes them less empathetic? Science has been studying this phenomenon for years and there are data that are worth knowing. This article exposes them.It is often said that power changes people. It is also said that holding a high position goes to your head […]

How to understand what symbolic violence is with examples

Symbolic violence is harder to detect than physical violence, but it is quite obvious once you learn to identify it. In this text, find out how to recognize it.In our society, violence does not always take the form of physical or obvious violence; there is a subtle form: symbolic violence. Although it does not cause wounds […]

The 8 types of attraction between people

What types of attraction exist? How does the attraction you feel for your partner, your friends or your family differ? In this article we tell you all about it.Attraction plays a central role in interpersonal relationships. Although it is often referred to in the romantic or sexual sphere, it actually manifests itself in other spheres […]

What is social pressure and how does it affect?

From the moment you are born, you feel exposed to social gazes, judgments, and narratives. Do you know how this dynamic conditions you? We explain it to you below.You already realized something very important in your childhood: the need to fit into your environment, to assume certain codes of conduct and even to imitate certain […]

Aileen Wuornos, the manhunter

Aileen Wuornos was an American serial killer who robbed her victims, all men, whom she eventually killed with a gun. Remembered for her hostile, surly and intimidating character, she was executed by lethal injection in 2002.Aileen Wournos became America’s most famous serial killer. Her fame was, without a doubt, well deserved. She never showed remorse […]

John Wayne Gacy, the killer clown

While he kept the whole community distracted by his honourable and funny image, the so-called killer clown hid his other side: that of evil. How is it possible that he could go unnoticed in such a way by the whole community?When the residents of the quiet community of Norwood Park (Chicago) discovered in 1978 that one […]

David Berkowitz, the .44 caliber killer

He carried out eight attacks, killing six people. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and is currently serving his sentence.On Christmas Eve 1975 , David Berkowitz was determined to kill. He had targeted a 14-year-old girl who was skating on the ice rink with her friends. As the girl was walking home, he accosted her and […]

Psychological profile of scammers, the kings of deception

Deception is linked to our nature. With more or less intention, we all lie. However, at the extreme end we find those people who make deception their main source of income. So, today we want to talk about the profile of the scammer.Deception has always existed, and so have scammers . Many people are known for […]