Kareon Rosario

What are cognitive skills and which are the most important?

Attention, memory, and cognitive flexibility are essential components of intelligence. Explore these and other tools we use to adapt to the world around us.Cognitive skills are the tools of your mind that help you understand, learn, and solve. They allow you to understand the world around you and make smart decisions in it. Among the most […]

Debunking a curious myth about marijuana

The University of Washington conducted a study to try to support or debunk a myth: does cannabis use enhance creativity? The research yielded interesting results.There is a widespread belief that smoking marijuana increases creativity . Perhaps this myth has its origins in the fact that many people in the art world have been or still are […]

Having a dog strengthens the brain, according to a study

Having a dog means devoting a good part of your time to caring for it. You have to take it for walks, keep up with its check-ups with the vet, tolerate it occasionally destroying your shoes… In exchange, you receive health and life.Having a dog is a big responsibility, but at the same time it […]

Genetic influence on our taste for reading: a psychological approach

The ability to enjoy reading does not only depend on how much we practice. It seems that there are also hereditary factors that are beyond our control. In this article we will tell you why.Reading is one of the areas to which parents and teachers devote the greatest effort within their educational work . Children are […]

Human cloning seen from a psychological perspective

What do you think about human cloning? From a bioethical point of view, psychology understands that this is a line that should not be crossed. However, scientific advances are unstoppable. What should be considered in such a context? This article points it out.Ben Lamm, founder of the first company to “de-extinct” species, recently announced that […]

Impact of anabolic steroids on the brain

Anabolic steroid misuse can completely disrupt the production and release of neurotransmitters. This has a major impact on mental health and brain function.Anabolic steroids not only have an impact on the body of the user: the brain is also affected. Changes in mood, depression, anxiety and even cognitive impairment are consequences. In addition, while the physical […]

The role of hormones during pregnancy

What role do hormones play during pregnancy? What is their relationship with attachment behaviors to the baby after the birth process? In this article we will answer these questions.Hormones during pregnancy play a fundamental role in the psychological task that prepares a woman to become a mother . One of the most obvious changes is that […]

Emotional changes during the menstrual cycle

Emotional changes during the menstrual cycle include irritability, anxiety, or a depressed mood, among others. Find out what they are based on the phase of the cycle!The menstrual cycle is a period consisting of several phases and usually lasts 28 days on average, with variations depending on each woman. Each phase of the menstrual cycle […]

Excess cortisol: what happens to your body?

Excess cortisol is harmful to health when it occurs constantly and for a long time. What effects does this hormone have on the body?Excess cortisol can have many effects on our health, both physically and mentally . Excesses in life are never good and in our body the rule seems to be fully followed as well… […]

How to lower cortisol: 15 ways

In stressful situations, the body responds by releasing cortisol. When blood levels are very high and affect our health, what can we do to lower them?Depending on the context, the experience and the danger, cortisol levels vary from one situation to another. This substance is produced by the adrenal glands when we perceive a threat. At […]