Kareon Rosario

Jackson Pollock

Your brain likes Jackson Pollock

Do you like abstract art? Although you may initially feel uncomfortable looking at works like Jackson Pollock’s, you’ll be surprised to learn that your brain processes these images as a challenge, something to try to understand at all costs… Jackson Pollock, Wassily Kandinsky, Joan Miró, Paul Klee… Abstract art is not to everyone’s taste, but many […]

World Art Day

World Art Day and its impact on mental health

Institutions such as the WHO support and promote participation in art, directly or indirectly, as it benefits the well-being of our mind. Painting, going to concerts or visiting museums goes beyond entertainment. The fascinating thing about art is that we are not concerned with its practical utility, but with how it makes us feel, even influencing […]

Taylor Swift fans

Taylor Swift fans forgetting part of the show: post-concert amnesia

Have you ever been to a concert and found out afterwards that you can’t remember certain parts? This is what happens to some Taylor Swift fans. Here’s why. Since Taylor Swift began her “Eras” tour in March 2023 in Arizona, success has not stopped accompanying her. However, there is a phenomenon that has also made […]

artificial intelligence on social relationships

The impact of artificial intelligence on social relationships

If you are a fan of all the benefits of artificial intelligence, you must know how to use it responsibly so as not to affect your relationships. As artificial intelligence (AI) advances at exponential pace, its presence in our everyday society has become increasingly prominent. AI is transforming the way we interact and make decisions […]


Atelophobia, the syndrome that Barbie faces in the film

Cellulite, flat feet… What happens if one day you stop being perfect? ​​Greta Gerwig’s funny film describes the well-known Barbie syndrome or atelophobia very well. We explain what it consists of. Barbie and the Pink Universe of the World’s Most Famous Doll is an absolute box office success . However, Greta Gerwig’s film is not just a […]

interesting debates

35 current topics to generate interesting debates

Whether at family gatherings or among friends, there is always the opportunity for debate. In this article, we provide you with a “menu” to give rise to interesting discussions. There are currently many topics that deserve to be discussed. We refer to those topics for debate that concern us all and, by doing so, we contribute to […]

What is money dysmorphia

What is money dysmorphia? Tips and advice

The altered perception of one’s finances has various consequences, such as depression, debt and anxiety, among others. If you want to know more about its effects and learn about its symptoms, keep reading! Money dysmorphia is a manifestation of an incongruity between reality and the mental economic representation of financial resources. It is somewhat similar […]

Conners scales

Conners scales as a test to assess ADHD

Conners scales facilitate the detection of ADHD and allow for the assessment of needs in different areas. Learn what they consist of. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most talked about conditions of late. This allows parents and teachers to be alert when detecting cases in children, but when assuming a diagnosis […]

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale

The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: What is it and what does it measure?

The Stanford-Binet intelligence scale is one of the most widely used today, due to its great reliability. Learn a little about its history and what it consists of through this reading. The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale was developed by Lewis M. Terman , a psychologist and researcher at Stanford University in the United States. It was first […]

Lemon test

Lemon test: are you an introvert or an extrovert?

What can a few drops of lemon juice tell you about your personality? Here we tell you. Hans Jürgen Eysenck was the first author to include the dimension “introversion/extraversion” in his factorial model of personality. He also created numerous personality tests to assess the dimensions of his model. Can you imagine Eysenck’s face when he […]