Kareon Rosario

World Parkinson’s Day: the importance of staying informed

April 11 is a day to raise awareness about Parkinson’s disease. This degenerative disorder affects more and more elderly people and diminishes their quality of life.Parkinson’s is one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorders in older people. Every April 11, awareness of this condition is promoted as World Parkinson’s Day, in honor of the birth […]

What is the relationship between SIBO and anxiety?

Have you been experiencing anxiety for a long time without knowing why? One of the causes could be bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. We explain the origin of this link. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a disease that is being diagnosed with increasing frequency.  Until a few years ago, however, many people went from […]

Invisible changes during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a revolution for a woman’s body. During the nine months of gestation, the body adapts with various changes, many of which are not obvious to an outside observer.Pregnancy is a revolution for a woman’s body , as it generates many changes in it, transformations that can be classified as visible and invisible. They are […]

Emotional support in recurrent abortion

What are recurrent miscarriages? What are their consequences? What can we do to reduce their psychological impact? We’ll tell you all about it in this article! What is a recurrent abortion? A recurrent miscarriage is considered to occur when the person has lost 3 or more pregnancies . To be considered spontaneous, it must be involuntary. […]

My miscarriage, the girl I keep imagining

It’s been almost a year and I’m still trying to process what happened. I know my story is hard, but I just hope I can help someone, because if you’ve also experienced an “ectopic pregnancy” you know that there is no more devastating physical and emotional pain than this. “Your time will pass.” This is […]

I just became a mother and I feel more alone than ever

Mothers often have to deal with multiple challenges: parenting, work, personal life, partner, and so on. In the midst of the chaos that having a child can entail, it is possible to feel the loneliness of postpartum. What can we do? Loneliness is becoming an epidemic, and it affects us silently. On the other hand, we […]

Preventing perinatal depression in fathers: what does it entail?

As a result of the increase in cases of paternal perinatal depression, therapeutic alternatives are proposed to stop and prevent it. What do these practices consist of? Join us to discover them. Depression is a clinical condition that can arise during pregnancy and childbirth. It gives rise to what we know as perinatal depression and […]

4 foods to combat tiredness and fatigue

In addition to staying hydrated, some foods can help you combat the feeling of fatigue. Take note! There are a number of foods that can help combat the feeling of tiredness and exhaustion. This is due to the concentration of nutrients they contain. Some even contain ergogenic substances capable of providing a boost in times […]

Kuzu: benefits of this macrobiotic for the mind and body

What is kuzu? Why do some people consume it? We explain everything we know about this food supplement that is so popular in various parts of the world. Kuzu is a macrobiotic food extracted from a plant native to the Asian continent. It is very popular in Japan and has gradually spread to other cultures and […]

L-Theanine: benefits of this amino acid for your health

L-Theanine is an amino acid found primarily in the leaves of the tea plant and has numerous benefits for physical and mental health. L-Theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves. It was discovered in the 1940s and has a number of important health benefits. This nutrient can be found in plant-based foods, such as […]