Having a dog strengthens the brain, according to a study

Having a dog means devoting a good part of your time to caring for it. You have to take it for walks, keep up with its check-ups with the vet, tolerate it occasionally destroying your shoes… In exchange, you receive health and life.
Having a dog is a big responsibility, but at the same time it brings enormous benefits . Anyone who has a furry friend at home knows this, but science has also confirmed it on multiple occasions.

A recent study conducted by experts at the University of Basel, and published in Plos One , found that having a dog strengthens the brain . Scientists conducted several tests and found that brain activity is benefited by the company of our canine friends.

This is not the only study on the subject. By now, there is ample and solid evidence regarding the benefits of having a dog. Let’s see what science tells us about it.

The study on having a dog

The study, conducted by experts at the University of Basel, aimed to establish whether owning a dog caused any noticeable changes in the brain. To find out, a group of volunteers were asked to enter a room and choose to sit next to a dog lying on the floor or a stuffed animal.

Initially, the participants could only look at the animal or the doll. While they were in the room, blood flow in different areas of the brain was measured using infrared sensors.

On a second visit, the whole process was repeated, but this time the volunteers were allowed to pet either the dog or the doll, depending on their choice. The results were conclusive. The study revealed that those who interacted with a dog showed significant activation of the prefrontal cortex . This increased when they petted the animal.

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The prefrontal cortex is associated with attention, emotions  and decision making . It was found that contact with the dog alone activated attention and immediately afterwards there was an increase in emotions. From this, it was concluded that having a dog strengthens the brain.

Other research

This is one of the most recent studies, but not the only one that talks about the benefits of having a dog. A study  published in 2009 found that our furry friends are also a great option for reducing stress and improving mood .

The study also evaluated the effect of petting and cuddling a dog. Participants were allowed to do so for 10 minutes. After this period, there was a noticeable reduction in respiratory rate and muscle tension. A significant decrease in cortisol , the stress hormone , was observed .

Another interesting study cross-referenced information from the Swedish National Patient Register, sociodemographic data, causes of death and dog ownership. The finding was surprising. It was concluded that owning a dog seems to reduce the likelihood of dying from cardiovascular disease.

More evidence

As if all of the above were not enough, there is another study  carried out by the University of Michigan in 2020. It indicates that having a pet, particularly dogs or cats, slows down cognitive decline in older people .

For the study, a series of cognitive tests were carried out on more than 1,000 people over the age of 65. Some of them had pets and others did not. The results indicated that those who had lived with dogs or cats for several years had better scores on the tests. In the end, it was concluded that having a pet is very positive for the brain.

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Scientists have pointed out that having a dog or cat does not make anyone more intelligent. However, it does have very beneficial effects, especially in reducing stress. Being relaxed is a factor that protects the brain from deterioration . In addition, having a dog or cat forces its owner to move, go out and socialize more. All in all, it helps maintain good cognitive functions.

The company of a pet increases a person’s well-being. So, if you have doubts about having a dog at home or not, it is clear that the balance tips in favor of the furry one. Highly recommended, especially for those who have children, the elderly and those who live alone.