Impact of anabolic steroids on the brain

Anabolic steroid misuse can completely disrupt the production and release of neurotransmitters. This has a major impact on mental health and brain function.
Anabolic steroids not only have an impact on the body of the user: the brain is also affected. Changes in mood, depression, anxiety and even cognitive impairment are consequences. In addition, while the physical anatomy acquires greater muscular volume, many neurological areas lose connectivity and age prematurely.

Not everyone who uses these synthetic versions of testosterone is aware of these long-term effects. Although they are substances to help children with genetic disorders, their administration, beyond the medical field and for clinical reasons, is dangerous. Let’s find out more about this topic below.

People who consume steroids in excessive doses may experience symptoms associated with depression, anxiety and psychotic reactions.

What are anabolic steroids?

Whenever we hear this term, we almost immediately associate it with the world of sport and fitness . However, it must be said that these synthetic substances have been used for a long time to treat conditions such as Turner syndrome and other growth delays.

Now, if there is a group that is traditionally interested in these products, it is some athletes and bodybuilders.

Anabolic steroids are synthetic versions of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Their main effect is anabolic, that is, they increase muscle mass and physical performance. Thus, as indicated in a paper published in the journal Healthcare , it is estimated that between 1% and 3% of the US population uses them, ignoring their side effects.

We know, for example, that in the short term these drugs increase strength by 5-20%, as well as increase the volume of lean body mass. However, their long-term effects are no longer as remarkable. These artificial substances alter all the tissues and organs of the body, including the brain. 

What are the most common health effects?

Improper consumption of these steroids causes several important health problems to consider. We list them below:

  • Acne.
  • Hypertension.
  • High cholesterol.
  • Hair loss.
  • Kidney problems.
  • Stomachache.
  • Fluid retention.
  • Breast growth.
  • Risk of prostate cancer.
  • Possible myocardial infarctions.
  • Smaller testicles.
  • Appearance of blood clots.
  • Low sperm count.
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Symptoms of dependence associated with anabolic steroids

Dependence on these drugs is more common than we think. The problem is that those who consume them seek help for the physical effects, but not for the psychological effects or their addiction to these substances .

The University of Oslo points out in a study that, generally, these people give up looking for treatment options in this area. Now, let’s look at the symptoms associated with addiction.

  • Fatigue.
  • Sweating.
  • Nervousness.
  • Greater aggressiveness.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Cognitive problems.
  • Lack of sexual desire.
  • Irritability and aggressiveness.
  • Change in mood .
  • Need to increase the dose due to tolerance.

What impact do anabolic steroids have on the brain?

Weightlifters, bodybuilders, boxers, sprinters. We all remember the name of an athlete whose career was cut short because of these substances. And although anabolic steroids are banned in the world of sport, many people still consume them.

It is a backroom business in gyms and young people are increasingly turning to them in their desire to quickly achieve a sculpted body.

They are also mistakenly considered a “non-toxic drug”, minimizing the serious effects they cause over time.

So if we were to take one of these kids and do a brain MRI after ten years of regular anabolic steroid use, we would be shocked. An analysis published in the scientific journal Biological Psychiatry offers us some very relevant data.

Using steroids of this kind for more than 10 years has serious effects on physical and neurological health.

Brain aging

Astrid Bjørnebekk, lead author of the study and head of the anabolic androgenic steroids research group at Oslo University Hospital, stresses that the impact of these substances is immense. The changes seen are as follows:

  • Memory problems .
  • Difficulty recognizing patterns.
  • Reduced ability to solve problems.
  • Brains are aging more rapidly.
  • The speed of information processing is lower.
  • Greater number of neuronal death and less neuronal connectivity.
  • There are changes in the volume and density of several brain regions.
  • Alterations in the production and functionality of neurotransmitters .
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Similarly, those who consumed anabolic steroids for more than 10 years showed a clear dependence on these substances.

Psychiatric problems

The long-term use of such steroids in pill form, injectable form or cream also impacts mental health. Brain damage is always correlated with psychiatric problems.

The journal Scientific Reports , for example, emphasizes that the use of these synthetic substances is linked to risky behavior and problems regulating anger.

The most striking aspect is the display of psychopathic behaviour. Although this fact still needs to be confirmed with further studies, it is still a remarkable aspect. Also, what is most noticeable in the long term in these people are mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Therapies to treat anabolic steroid addiction and improve brain health

Anabolic steroids change the brain and lead the person to a state of great psychosocial exhaustion . This addiction puts life at risk and has psychiatric effects. The level of aggressiveness reverts to the environment and leaves them trapped in mental states marked by suffering and helplessness.

One way to address these self-destructive dynamics is through cognitive-behavioral therapy and group therapy . Support from other medical professionals such as nutritionists is also recommended. Consider that these men and women resort to many vitamin supplements, which completely alters their diet.

Other strategies to promote brain health after taking anabolic steroids

The brain has great plasticity. Psychological therapy and cognitive training promote recovery in patients addicted to anabolic steroids; but there are also other strategies shared below:

  • Lean on our environment.
  • Understand that there may be ups and downs.
  • Finding new incentives and interests.
  • Start cognitive stimulation programs .
  • Start individual and group psychological therapy.
  • Recognizing that we have an addiction problem.
  • Start the treatments recommended by nutritionists.
  • Put aside any incentives that encourage steroid use.

Last but not least, it is necessary not to give up and to work every day to improve our mental and physical health. Change is always possible.