Emotional changes during the menstrual cycle

Emotional changes during the menstrual cycle include irritability, anxiety, or a depressed mood, among others. Find out what they are based on the phase of the cycle!
The menstrual cycle is a period consisting of several phases and usually lasts 28 days on average, with variations depending on each woman.

Each phase of the menstrual cycle is subject to a series of biological changes . These changes in turn produce emotional changes in women, which influence their routine and relationships with others.

Next, to get a better idea of ​​what the menstrual cycle consists of, we will analyze it in stages. Next, we will explain what the main emotional changes are during the menstrual cycle.

Stages of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle involves two cycles: the ovarian cycle and the uterine cycle . The ovarian cycle refers to changes in the ovaries, and the uterine cycle refers to changes in the uterus. This means that both cycles occur simultaneously.

Ovarian cycle

It consists of the follicular phase and the luteal phase. During the follicular phase, the ovaries prepare to release the egg. In this phase, various follicles are generated in different states of maturity, of which a dominant follicle will remain, which will be the one that will contain an egg to be released by the ovary.

In the luteal phase, this follicle will become the corpus luteum, and will be accompanied by an increase in estrogen and progesterone. The luteal phase closes the ovarian cycle and the follicular phase begins again.

Uterine cycle

The uterine cycle includes different phases: the period, the proliferative phase and the secretory phase.

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The period

The period, popularly known as “the rule,” involves bleeding that comes from old tissues of the uterus that are expelled through the vagina.

Proliferative phase

The proliferative phase involves the growth of the lining of the uterus to compensate for the loss of tissue expelled during menstruation. After the proliferative phase is over, ovulation occurs.

Secretory phase

It consists of the internal lining of the uterus, which secretes chemicals necessary to support a pregnancy in the event that the egg is fertilized, or is shed if fertilization does not occur. The secretory phase closes the cycle of the uterus and the period begins again.

With so many physiological changes in the body during the menstrual cycle, it is not surprising that this produces a series of emotional changes in women.

Below, we classify them based on whether they are premenstrual or postmenstrual symptoms , since the period or menstruation phase involves significant variations in terms of hormonal levels.

Emotional changes during the menstrual cycle: premenstrual symptoms

Just before menstruation, estrogen and progesterone levels are very low, which produces a set of characteristic emotional changes:


It is considered one of the most frequent changes , and many women even experience it as a sign that their period is coming soon .

It is a very easy symptom to detect because it increases the tendency toward irritation or anger.


Anxiety is also considered a common symptom. Before menstruation, the body has prepared itself to develop a possible pregnancy, and comes from having a very fluctuating hormonal change.

Depressed mood or fatigue

A depressed mood is also characteristic of the premenstrual period. This is often associated with a decrease in energy, as the body is devoting a lot of energy to changing the state of the egg and shedding uterine tissue.

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Trouble falling asleep

Hormonal changes are accompanied by changes in the body’s circadian rhythms, which are changes in the chemicals that regulate sleep and wakefulness in the body.

During the premenstrual period, these substances are altered and can lead to sleep problems or insomnia . Although these are not emotional disorders per se, they can cause them due to accumulated fatigue.

Emotional changes during the menstrual cycle: postmenstrual symptoms

Emotional changes during the postmenstrual menstrual cycle are not as varied or as frequent. They basically consist of the following:

Increased energy and enthusiasm

After the period of low energy and fatigue, a period of increased energy in the body begins. The woman experiences a state of greater activity and enthusiasm.

It must be taken into account that the root of this set of emotional changes is the hormonal alteration that the body experiences.

Depression and fatigue

These alterations we mentioned are not only at the level of the ovary or uterus, but also connect with the brain. Thus, variations in serotonin have also been described , a neurotransmitter closely related to depression, fatigue or problems falling asleep.

In conclusion, it is important to know the menstrual cycle , as well as to have an idea of ​​the symptoms that may appear during it. Knowing the symptoms will help us to understand them and to treat them without prejudice, effectively and naturally.