How to lower cortisol: 15 ways

In stressful situations, the body responds by releasing cortisol. When blood levels are very high and affect our health, what can we do to lower them?
Depending on the context, the experience and the danger, cortisol levels vary from one situation to another. This substance is produced by the adrenal glands when we perceive a threat. At normal levels, it is completely adaptive, but when its production increases, it is harmful to our body.

Because excess stress is a problem for mental health and personal development, many people wonder what they can do to lower cortisol. Below, we will review some ways to achieve this.

Symptoms of high cortisol

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone due to its important role in the physiological reaction to stressful situations. When levels of this hormone are very high, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Weight gain;
  • accumulation of fat in the shoulder blades;
  • stretch marks on the abdomen;
  • reduced muscle strength in arms and legs;
  • elevation of glucose levels;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • excessive hair growth;
  • weakening of the bones.

Regarding its intervention in responses to danger or in situations of high tension, its elevation – together with other factors – is also associated with the characteristic symptoms of stress:

  • Headache;
  • anxiety;
  • muscle tension or pain;
  • irritability;
  • high or low food consumption;
  • sleep problems;
  • sadness or depression;
  • upset stomach;
  • lack of motivation;
  • concern;
  • fatigue.

Strategies to lower cortisol

Reducing the production of this hormone is a priority because it is linked to chronic stress, which has negative effects on health. The interaction between the two (stress and cortisol) creates a vicious circle, where both reinforce each other and deteriorate well-being in the long term. To combat its consequences, it is essential to adopt strategies to keep them under control. Let’s look at some of them.

1. Diaphragmatic breathing

This way of breathing can lower cortisol. One study , which aimed to investigate the effect of diaphragmatic breathing on cognition, affect, and cortisol responses to stress, found that diaphragmatic breathing can improve attention, affect, and cortisol levels. To use it, do the following:

  1. Sit in a chair or lie on your back.
  2. Put one hand on your chest and the other on your belly.
  3. Breathe slowly through your nose while counting to two. As you do so, your belly should inflate while your chest remains still.
  4. Then, exhale gently through your mouth while counting to four. As you release the air, you will notice how your belly drops.
  5. Practice for 5 to 10 minutes, about 2 to 4 times a day. Gradually, try to do it for longer and more often.

2. Artistic expression

Artistic expression, such as painting, music, dance, can have a positive impact on cortisol levels. Participation in these types of activities helps lower cortisol levels and promote relaxation and well-being , which in turn can reduce stress.

To incorporate this strategy into your life, you can paint or draw on a canvas or notebook. Writing poetry, stories, and tales is another alternative. Likewise, you can compose songs or play a musical instrument (piano, guitar, violin, saxophone, etc.). Another viable option is to participate in craft projects such as knitting, making sculptures, models, or necklaces.

3. Gratitude

Being thankful is an effective strategy to counteract elevated cortisol levels . In addition, gratitude fosters social support and protects people from stress and depression.

There are several keys to being more grateful that you can apply: identify the things you feel grateful for, write a journal to be grateful every day, count your blessings, write a letter of gratitude to someone.

4. Favorite songs

Music has the ability to affect moods, emotions and feelings, and some of them have a calming effect. That’s why playing a favorite song helps reduce stress in people.

Calming melodies are an excellent option to lower cortisol. Among them you can find classical, instrumental or ambient music. You can also use the sounds used for meditation. The important thing is that you choose the sound stimulus that you like the most.

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5. Guided images

Guided imagery is a technique in which you visualize vivid, positive mental images that promote relaxation and well-being. Guided imagery has been shown to be effective in lowering cortisol.

To do this, you need to close your eyes for a minute, recreate your happy place, and walk into that peaceful space. Allow yourself to feel like you’re really there and feel all the experiences you would have at that moment. Try to savor every sensation, color, sound, and smell. After a few minutes, open your eyes and come back to the present.

6. Progressive muscle relaxation

It is a relaxation technique created by Edmund Jacobson. It is based on the notion that muscle tension is linked to anxiety, and that relaxing muscles can induce relaxation and reduce stress.

To use progressive muscle relaxation , relax all the muscles in your body, group by group. You can start with a few deep breaths. Then, contract and relax each muscle section, starting with your forehead and moving down to your toes.

With time and consistent practice, you will learn to recognize tension in your muscles and will be able to relax more easily. Each time you perform progressive muscle relaxation, imagine a feeling of relaxation running through your entire body.

7. Moderate physical exercise

Practicing physical activities, such as playing sports or working out at the gym, helps reduce stress in everyday life. It is important to note that exercise should be part of a healthy lifestyle so that it can have a favorable impact on cortisol. Here are several exercise options:

  • Run;
  • swim;
  • ride a bike;
  • lift weights;
  • play soccer;
  • do high intensity exercises;
  • walk;
  • dancing (zumba, salsa, bachata);
  • practice martial arts.

8. Hugs

Hugging a loved one has the potential to lower cortisol levels . How is this possible? Hugs cause the body to release oxytocin , which is a hormone associated with love and happiness. These pleasant states increase positive emotions that help reduce stress.

Many of the positive effects caused during social interaction, such as well-being, stress relief and health promotion, are related to the release of oxytocin, according to Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg and her team.

9. Dispersal activities

Leisure activities can be a way to manage stress . Find an activity that allows you to relax and clear your mind of all worries. You can do them with a friend. Remember that when we interact with people we love, and especially when we hug them, we release oxytocin.

Create time for relaxation in your work schedule. Finding time to relax in the midst of so much pressure will make you feel better and allow you to perform better in the activity you are doing. Free time can make your work time more efficient.

10. Healthy eating

Eating healthy is essential to regulate cortisol . A balanced diet with healthy fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals has a positive impact on this hormone and on overall health.

To adopt a healthy diet, include different food groups that provide you with a wide variety of nutrients. Eat nuts, seeds, fruits, omega-3, protein, fiber, etc. At the same time, reduce the consumption of sugars, processed foods, and fast foods.

11. Social support

High cortisol levels can be suppressed by social support, according to an article published in Biological Psychiatry. It also increases resilience to stress, one of the most common causes of elevated cortisol levels.

Cultivate good interpersonal relationships. Spend time with friends, family, and other significant people. Participate in community activities. Join groups that have similar interests to yours. Attend volunteer work or group therapy.

12. Delegate tasks

Distributing responsibilities reduces workload and, consequently, the stress associated with it. This reduction can attenuate cortisol and improve the management of activities.

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Identify tasks that you can assign to another reliable and competent person. It is essential that you communicate clearly and simply, and that you make your expectations explicit. Mention what you expect and what the desired results are. Provide the necessary resources so that the other person can carry out the activity.

13. Get enough sleep

Sleep is part of the body’s circadian rhythms that regulate hormone release. That’s why sleep is crucial for lowering cortisol and reducing stress. Restful sleep relieves body fatigue and increases feelings of well-being.

In order to sleep well, it is recommended that you have a routine for going to bed and getting up. Likewise, you should create an environment conducive to rest: a dark, cool and serene room; a comfortable mattress and pillows. You should also avoid electronic screens before sleeping, and resort to relaxing activities that do not involve cell phones or computers.

14. Meditation

Meditation is a beneficial practice for reducing stress and, consequently, cortisol. When a person enters a meditative state, the body relaxes, the heart rate slows, and the mind is more aware of thoughts and emotions, which is useful for identifying and dealing with the affective and cognitive aspects that increase stress.

To apply it and enjoy its benefits, you can follow these steps:

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable space to sit or lie down.
  2. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, inhaling and exhaling very slowly.
  3. If your mind wanders, observe your thoughts without judging them and return to your breathing.
  4. Start with short sessions, such as 5 to 10 minutes a day, and gradually increase the duration.

15. Contact with nature

Nature provides a peaceful space away from the noise and pressures of everyday life . This creates a feeling of well-being that relaxes the body and encourages the emergence of pleasant emotions.

Make time to visit natural places: a local park, a forest, a beach, a mountain, etc. When you are there, be aware of your surroundings, enjoy the atmosphere, observe the colors, listen to the sounds and smell the smells. Take the opportunity to meditate in the peacefulness of the place.

Why cortisol rises

Stress is one of the most common causes of high cortisol levels. When we face a threatening situation or one that overwhelms our coping resources, the body increases the production of this hormone as part of its “fight or flight” response.

Another cause is lack of sleep . Sleep disturbances increase the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, which causes cortisol levels to rise. Not sleeping well also unbalances circadian rhythms, and since cortisol levels are associated with these, any circadian disturbance can alter the secretion of this hormone.

In addition to lack of sleep and stress, medications such as corticosteroids can cause increased cortisol circulation in the body. Similarly, there are diseases associated with excess cortisol, such as Cushing’s syndrome.

On the other hand, caffeine and stimulants contribute to raising it . Likewise, extreme physical activity increases its production. However, moderate exercise helps reduce stress.

In short, there are multiple causes of increased cortisol levels in the blood. These include stress, lack of sleep, certain medications, stimulants, Cushing’s syndrome, and strenuous exercise. Each of these has an impact on a person’s general health.

Cortisol is a great ally

Cortisol is not bad in itself. It is not our enemy. Under normal conditions and in moderate amounts, it is not harmful. In fact, it has important functions for our body. The problem occurs when its intensity and frequency is excessive.

In this article, we have presented different useful strategies to manage its production: breathing, relaxation, exercise, meditation, hugs, artistic expression, healthy eating, etc. Regardless of the option chosen, it is necessary to remember that, to enhance its effects, it must be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle.