The 8 types of attraction between people

What types of attraction exist? How does the attraction you feel for your partner, your friends or your family differ? In this article we tell you all about it.
Attraction plays a central role in interpersonal relationships. Although it is often referred to in the romantic or sexual sphere, it actually manifests itself in other spheres of life. After all, the idea revolves around affinity, sympathy and connection. To shed some more light on the matter, we analyze the types of attraction that exist between people.

Attraction is often referred to as the “chemistry that exists between two or more people.” It generally manifests itself from the first second you meet someone, although it can change or alter over time. Romantic relationships, friendships, work relationships, family relationships, and more have their roots in it.

What are the types of attraction?

Attraction is a social phenomenon that drives us to connect with others, to bond and establish relationships of different types and intensity. There is not just one kind of attraction, but rather several of them. Depending on their nature, among other variables, we find up to 8 forms of attraction between people. Let’s get to know them!

1. Romantic attraction

Romantic attraction—perhaps the most well-known type of attraction—comes from the desire to have a relationship with someone. It may or may not involve sex, but it primarily encompasses intimacy, affection, and caring. In other words, it involves the desire for all of these things.

This can occur, for example, when we have a good friendship with someone and suddenly feel the desire to start a romantic or sentimental relationship with them. Often, this attraction involves interest or sympathy for their physical appearance, personality, emotions and other factors. Despite this, emotions and feelings have a leading role.

2. Sentimental attraction

Based on the previous idea, sentimental attraction is that which focuses only on the emotions of the other person. It is the foundation that gives life to long-term interpersonal relationships, partly because it is not based on physical appearance. This attraction takes into account the inner value of people, to the point that an affinity or connection is established to know more about them.

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3. Friendship attraction

Another type of attraction between people is that which occurs within a friendship . It is centered on the desire to share time and intimate experiences with someone and causes us to display behaviors such as mutual help or support.

Although a good friendship takes years to form, the initial connection happens quickly. This is called friendship chemistry , as pointed out in an article in The Social Science Journal .

4. Sexual attraction (physical)

Sexual or physical attraction is the first thing we think of when someone mentions the term attraction. It comes from the fact of wanting someone we like physically or intellectually. In fact, as mentioned in a publication in PloS one , it is a key element when choosing a partner.

Through it, we feel the desire to be close to a person, to touch them, caress them, etc. That is, it awakens sensations in us in a physical and sexual sense. In turn, this attraction is of two types, which we will explain below.

Subjective sexual attraction

It is the attraction we feel towards someone we like because of their physical appearance. It makes us want to have sex with that person, explore their body, get to know them better in that sense. It is a type of attraction that may change over time depending on different variables, such as the evolution of the relationship itself.

Objective sexual attraction

This involves thinking that someone is physically attractive . However, it is not necessary that we want to maintain intimate contact with that person.

5. Sensual (or sensory) attraction

Another type of attraction, perhaps less known, is sensual or sensory attraction. It is linked to the desire to touch someone, to caress them, to hug them and to pamper them. It is not only people that arouse this type of attraction in us, but also objects, art or things that we find beautiful.

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6. Intellectual attraction

Intellectual attraction is another way of attracting people. It is the desire to know someone on their intellectual side or the fact that we like the way someone thinks, speaks, writes, etc.

When this happens, we feel that we like the other person “on the inside”; we like their ideas or arguments, so much so that an interest is born in having deep conversations with that particular person. Sapiosexuality is based on this principle.

7. Aesthetic attraction

It is an attraction similar to physical attraction, since it is based on the force or driving force that makes someone attract us because of their physical appearance. However, aesthetic attraction does not have to be linked to physical appearance in a unique way.

It goes further and encompasses someone’s way of dressing, their style, their way of moving, among other aspects of their appearance. It is a type of attraction that is also closely linked to art.

8. Attraction based on proximity

This type of attraction is the one we feel towards the people we live with. It is linked to the famous phrase “contact creates affection”. It is associated with sentimental attraction and we can feel it for many people: family, friends, neighbors, partners and even pets .

The power of attraction

Attraction is part of our lives from the time we are babies. It is like a motor that brings us closer to what we consider beautiful and authentic, what we feel is in tune with our essence.

As social beings, we need to connect with others. And this connection is the foundation of attraction, which is largely sustained by desire. As a result, we can feel attraction for many people , and of different types and intensities.

In this way, it is possible to establish relationships that help in our personal development and that allow us to attract people and things that comfort us.