Deception is linked to our nature. With more or less intention, we all lie. However, at the extreme end we find those people who make deception their main source of income. So, today we want to talk about the profile of the scammer.
Deception has always existed, and so have scammers . Many people are known for their great altruism . Unfortunately, these are the favorite victims of scammers, who do not hesitate to take advantage of the good will and trust of others.
Studies on trust suggest that most of us are somehow programmed to trust others .
As a rule, we do not question the story of others, unless we are particularly incredulous, the person has certain precedents, or the content of the story itself is a justification for behavior that, in some way, does not leave the other person in a good light, such as arriving late. This neuronal decline towards trust makes it easy for us to be deceived.
Introduction to scams
The crime of fraud is defined in article 248 of the Criminal Code. It establishes that a person commits fraud if, with the intention of making a profit, he uses deception to cause another person to make a mistake, inducing him to carry out an act of disposition to his own or another’s detriment.
Also, anyone who, with the intention of making a profit, and using some computer manipulation or similar artifice, achieves the non-consensual transfer of any patrimonial asset to the detriment of a third party.
As well as those who manufacture, introduce, possess or facilitate computer programs specifically intended for the commission of fraud.
Difference between crime and misdemeanor fraud
On the other hand, it should be noted that fraud is considered a crime when the amount defrauded exceeds €400. When the value of the defrauded item is less than this amount, it is considered a misdemeanor of fraud.
Psychological profile of a scammer
The psychological profile of a scammer is related to characteristics associated with ambition , greed and a great capacity for manipulation and deception , which is why they take advantage of the naivety of many people.
Added to this is the fact that they are charismatic , observant people who study their victims and have a great capacity for words.
They tend to be well-educated, well-presented people who speak with great confidence and who quickly gain the trust of their victims . The secret of every good scammer is not to get the victim to trust him, but to make the victim feel that the scammer trusts him, which is totally different.
On many occasions, they can use false fragility and vulnerability, provoking feelings related to altruism.
This leads them to look for more vulnerable victims . Their favourite profiles are the elderly, tourists, unemployed people and people who have financial needs. In most cases they are unknown, and it is common that, once the scam has been committed, they disappear from the area or municipality.
They have no scruples , so cheating and scamming people who even give more than they have, does not matter to them at all.
Lack of empathy, associated with a natural selfishness , is a characteristic highly associated with scammers, as is the lack of remorse, before, during and after committing the deception and scam.
Recommendations against scammers
The best prevention is always good information. Therefore, it is advisable not to talk about investments with people you do not trust , not to give out your card’s secret number, to be wary of any technician who shows up unannounced and demands money urgently (in this case, it is recommended to check that they belong to the company), etc.
Finally, when you are the victim of a scam, it is essential to file a complaint . This way, you can recover what you lost, if not the entire amount, perhaps a part of it; but, above all, you will help prevent other people from falling into the tangled webs of scammers.
Some of the biggest hoaxes in history
Two of the most famous swindlers in history made it to the big screen: Frank Abagnale (in 1960), who assumed his identity up to eight times and exchanged fake checks for a total of 2.5 million dollars. The film Catch Me If You Can tells this story, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Leonardo Di Caprio.
The other case is that of Nick Leeson (in 1995), a British stockbroker who caused the bankruptcy of Barings bank , after leaving a hole of 1.4 billion dollars, whose film starred Ewan McGregor and is called Rogue Trader .
On the other hand, an equally famous and more recent case is the scam carried out by Bernard L. Madoff (in 2008), the great Wall Street swindler, who fraudulently pocketed more than 50 billion dollars through the pyramid scheme method. For this he was sentenced in 2009 to 150 years in prison, although he would end up dying in April 2021.
In such a modern world, traditional scams coexist with new ones. Being alert is undoubtedly a priority to avoid scams and deceptions, especially in times of crisis like the current one.