“I have no hope for anything”: advice for dealing with this difficult situation

Having a purpose, enhancing your skills and doing activities that you are passionate about are some strategies to overcome disappointment. If you want to learn more, continue reading.
Not having hope for anything is a situation that affects many people. Some of them suffer from depression, have a history of negative experiences or lack direction and meaning in life.

Although it is a demotivating situation, it is possible to reverse it in order to live better. And to that end, in this article, we will present the main causes of disappointment, how it manifests itself and what can be done to deal with it.

What does it mean to have no hope for anything?

Being disillusioned is an affective, cognitive and behavioural state in which a person experiences a lack of enthusiasm, lack of motivation, discouraging ideas about the future and disinterest in daily activities.  In this context, pessimism takes the place of hope for the future.

What once inspired passion now only generates apathy . Optimism fades little by little and the energy to carry out projects is lost amid the absence of a clear meaning. The lack of illusions prevents the individual from feeling motivated to achieve their short, medium and long term goals. It can even cause the person to give up on having objectives or projects.

In such a scenario, it is difficult to find meaning in what one does and to find a genuine connection with oneself and the world. As a result, feelings of emptiness, lack of belonging and loneliness may develop.

How does disappointment manifest itself in different contexts?

General disillusionment can appear in multiple areas of life and impair a person’s functioning in each of them. At work , it is expressed as low performance and low productivity , disconnection from the company’s values ​​and lack of commitment to the tasks and goals of the position.

At the personal level, there is a lack of goals, pessimism, apathy, hopelessness and indifference . The subject lives on “autopilot” and without motivation, because there is nothing in the future that encourages him.

This emotional and cognitive state also appears in the way the person relates to others. That is, on the social level, there is a lack of motivation to interact, a lack of interest in participating in cultural activities and withdrawal. Since social relationships do not inspire either, the individual does not try to get closer to others.

Finally, in the academic field, it is evident through  poor performance,  irresponsibility at school or university, the absence of a professional life project and a reluctance to learn.

Why don’t I have any hope for anything?

There are many reasons for general disappointment. Sometimes, to find out what the cause is, it is necessary to seek professional help. However, other times the person knows why they feel this way. Let’s look at some probable explanations.

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Monotony and routine

It is easy to feel disillusioned when everyday life offers no escape from the monotony. This discouragement is more widespread when the routine is unpleasant and there is no hope that the situation will change in the future.

Experiences of failures

Continuous failures weaken a person’s self-confidence, which can lead to disappointment and a state of learned helplessness . A future where only defeat is seen does not excite anyone.

Chronic diseases

This includes persistent and discouraging conditions that impair quality of life and well-being and also limit daily functioning. It is understandable that, under these conditions, the patient never gets excited, especially since chronic diseases are usually incurable.

Chronic stress 

The prolonged fatigue of chronic stress weakens a person’s emotional and physical reserves. As a result of the lack of energy, the ability to be excited about things can be lost. Motivation, vigor and effort are necessary to work for something that excites us. But under high levels of stress, these resources are quickly depleted.


This mood disorder causes hopelessness, sadness, helplessness, worthlessness, anhedonia , apathy… In this emotional state, there is no promising future that excites. There are no projects, goals or future that inspire.

Traumatic experiences

Trauma can significantly impair an individual’s life. The persistent manifestation of its symptoms makes the person feel trapped and without a way out.  Under the influence of anxiety, irritability, sleep problems and hypervigilance, it is difficult for anyone to get excited about anything.

Absence of goals

In order to have hope, it is essential to visualize the future and strive to achieve it .  In other words, it is essential to have goals to achieve . If there is no tomorrow to motivate you to work, study or do things in the present, it is unlikely that a person will feel hopeful.

How to regain hope in life?

Getting your hopes up again is essential to fighting, committing to a purpose and having a life with full meaning. It’s hard to live each day without a future that attracts you and fills you with enthusiasm to work in the present. That’s why, below, we’ll give you some tips to reconnect with your hopes.

“There is something that gives splendor to everything that exists, and it is the illusion of finding something just around the corner.”

~ Chesterton ~

1. Discover your values

Values ​​represent what you consider fundamental for your life. To rescue the illusion , you need to connect with those valuable things and act in alignment with them. Look for hobbies or activities that are in tune with your personal values, this way you will feel more excited and enthusiastic.

2. Formulate a life project

Projects give you direction and promote meaning and purpose in your life . Having them makes you excited about the future and excited about the present. Always connect your plan with your interests.

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3. Set SMART goals

In addition to your projects, define SMART objectives : specific , measurable , achievable , realistic and time-bound. This way, you can achieve them more easily, get excited about working towards them and be encouraged to set new goals.

4. Celebrate your small achievements

Reward yourself when you achieve small goals. This will push you forward and increase your self-esteem and self-efficacy. Highlighting your ability to achieve what you set out to do is an inexhaustible source of excitement.

5. Change your inner speech

Replace your hopeless way of thinking with a more encouraging and optimistic one . Sometimes, it is not the situations that disappoint you, but your way of interpreting what you experience and what you tell yourself.

6. Enhance your talents

By using your talents you will be able to regain the power to dream, because you will feel capable of doing certain things. These resources that you have fill you with confidence and perspective for the future. Invest time in perfecting and cultivating them.

7. Practice gratitude

When we are grateful , we recognize and value the good things that happen to us. By identifying pleasant moments, you have more biographical grounds to believe that the future will be encouraging, which can trigger illusions.

8. Do activities that you are passionate about

Getting excited again starts by resuming those forgotten passions. Through them, you relive the joy of doing what you like, what moves and excites you. Integrate those activities that make you happy to do into your daily routine.

9. Take care of your mental and physical health

If you don’t enjoy good mental and physical health, it’s hard to get excited. Being in good physical and mental health is key to having the energy to carry out your projects, recover from adversity and build a satisfying future. Exercise, eat healthy, meditate, spend time with your friends.

10. Seek professional help

Seek the support of a clinical psychologist who can help you discover the causes of your disillusionment. By knowing what is fueling it, the professional will be able to design an intervention plan that will allow you to regain your hopes.

Living again with desire

Not having any enthusiasm for anything is characterized by disinterest, lack of motivation, lack of enthusiasm and hopelessness. It is a state linked to depression, trauma, chronic illness, existential emptiness, among other factors.

Fortunately, it is possible to act. Ideally, the person should design a life project that he or she is passionate about. He or she should also carry out activities that connect him or her with his or her values ​​and talents. At the same time, it is pertinent for him or her to receive psychological help. And you, have you ever been disillusioned? What did you do to regain your hope?