How to get my spirits back on my own

Struggling with a dull, low-energy day? Here are 15 DIY mood-boosting ideas, from lying on the floor with your pet to keeping a gratitude journal.

Have you ever felt that it is impossible to get your spirits back on your own? We reveal that you can do it with simple methods. To combat a bad mood or get out of a low mood, it is useful to identify and address intrusive thoughts, as well as doing activities that promote the release of endorphins, such as moving your body or listening to music.

Below, we share a series of fifteen strategies suggested by psychology, with the purpose of revitalizing a day without energy, without depending directly on external factors.

15 psychological tips to lift your spirits

Before we introduce the tools, it’s important to clarify three key points: first, feeling unmotivated or irritable from time to time is completely natural to the human experience. Second, some of these techniques will resonate with you and others won’t—it’s up to you which ones to consider and which to discard. And third, don’t hesitate to seek professional support if your emotional lows are very intense or frequent .

1. Let the emotions flow

Emotions, like waves in the sea, have a natural cycle: they rise, peak, and then naturally fall, meaning they are temporary. When we try to suppress or block them, we actually make them stronger and longer lasting. By allowing them to flow freely, however , we give them the opportunity to take their course and dissipate quickly. As a result, the bad mood is soon relieved.

2. Set priorities and organize your time

Bad moods and discouragement are often related to stress. To regain a sense of control and accomplishment, it would be helpful to make a list of your daily tasks and rank them according to their importance and urgency. You can use the Eisenhower method to identify your priorities and manage your time.

3. Pay attention to internal dialogue and change thoughts

This point is crucial. Thoughts directly affect your mood . Therefore, it is important to pay attention to how you talk to yourself and work on changing the thought patterns that are detrimental to you. It is also possible to modify the way you relate to your thoughts. Let’s look at some specific techniques.

Cognitive restructuring

This method involves recognizing and challenging cognitive distortions , which are inaccurate or irrational ways of interpreting reality that affect your mood. The goal of cognitive restructuring is to replace these thoughts with more realistic and healthy versions.

Don’t say “I always fail at everything.” Instead, say “Some things don’t go the way I expect, but I also succeed.” Another example would be to replace “No one wants to hang out with me” with “Sometimes I can’t coordinate with friends, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t people interested in hanging out with me.”

Using Affirmations

Repeating motivational phrases that reinforce a positive and healthy mindset is a useful strategy for many people, but not for everyone. The effectiveness depends on each individual’s personal situation and traits. If you decide to try them, make sure to combine them with concrete actions.

Cognitive defusion

Cognitive defusion is a technique from acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). It helps you distance yourself from your negative thoughts so you don’t let them take control of your emotions. Instead of fighting them, you observe and accept them as mere mental events. Here are some ways to do it:

  • Imagine observing your thoughts from a distance.
  • Repeating the intrusive thought over and over until it loses its meaning and impact.
  • Use the formula “I am having a thought that…”. For example, for the thought “Nothing is going well for me,” say “I am having a thought that nothing is going well for me.”
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If a friend was feeling what you’re feeling right now, what would you say to support them? Treat yourself with the same kindness and empathy you would offer someone you love who was in a similar situation. That’s what self-compassion is all about .

4. Go for a walk (even better if it’s in nature)

Don’t underestimate the power of a simple walk. Getting outside allows you to “clear” your mind and reduce stress. If you have the opportunity, opt for a walk in nature, such as in a park or on a trail.

A study by Frontiers compared the impact on mood of 150 participants walking in a natural space versus walking in an urban environment. Although all experienced a decrease in stress, those who walked in nature reported an additional improvement.

5. Do moderate or high intensity physical activity

It is no longer news that physical exercise is not only good for the body, but also for the mind. When you exercise, you release endorphins , neurotransmitters that act as natural painkillers and improve your overall well-being.

You don’t have to go to the gym if it’s not your thing. You can dance, swim, do dynamic yoga, or even play a sport you like. The important thing is that you choose something that suits you. In the end, any movement that you enjoy and gets your heart rate up is a great way to lift your spirits  and get rid of a bad feeling.

6. Laugh out loud

Laughter is therapeutic . Laughing out loud also triggers the release of endorphins and helps to break a bad mood or depression. But sometimes a little push is needed; how about watching a comedy movie, looking for funny videos on the Internet or sharing jokes with a friend or family member?

If you feel like you can’t laugh right now, that’s okay. Don’t force yourself. In the meantime, prioritize other techniques that are easier and more accessible to you right now.

7. Listen to music

Whether you love the energetic beat of a pop song, the calm of classical music, or the emotional power of a ballad, listening to music is considered a balm for the spirit.

8. Do a creative activity

Art is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety levels . Immersing yourself in any artistic activity offers an avenue to express your emotions in a free and healthy way; consider painting, writing, dancing, photography, and even cooking. Perhaps this is the factor that will transform a bad day into a much better one.

9. Read a book or watch a movie

Sometimes you just need to distract yourself and visit another reality to feel good. This is where a good story, whether in text or movie form, comes in handy. Choosing something that inspires you, makes you laugh, or simply entertains you gives you a break from the daily grind.

10. Choose foods that lift your mood

Your mood is closely linked to what you eat . Of course, there are other factors that influence how you feel. Science supports that diet plays a fundamental role in your emotional well-being.

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In particular, some ingredients have the potential to lift your mood by promoting a healthy gut microbiota , which are the bacteria and microorganisms that live in your gut. These foods include:

  • Kefir
  • Tuna
  • Yogurt
  • Fruit
  • Salmon
  • Vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • High quality dark chocolate

Except for dark chocolate, which can give a more immediate feeling of pleasure, the benefits of consuming other foods on mood come from regular and balanced intake over time.

11. Seek contact with loved ones

Being around the people you love does wonders for your mood. Prefer to be alone? Sure, taking time for yourself is okay, and sometimes it’s very necessary. But keep in mind that excessive isolation can make a low mood even worse. The key is balance.

12. Hang out with a pet

If you have a pet, you already know how comforting it is to lie down on the floor, play with it or pet it. Thus, the company of your dog, cat or other animal is an excellent way to regain the energy and enthusiasm that you feel you have lost.

13. Disconnect from digital

Overexposure to social media and technology tends to increase stress, sadness or bad mood. If you feel irritable, upset or distressed, immersing yourself in TikTok for hours, for example, is not the best solution. Instead, disconnecting from screens for a while is quite liberating.

14. Practice mindfulness

It is the practice of being here and now. Experiencing the moment with presence, without judging what is. By doing so, you decrease rumination on past or future problems , which feeds stress and general discomfort.

You can start with simple mindfulness exercises . For example, focusing on your breathing and bringing your attention back whenever you notice yourself getting distracted. Other methods include practicing mindfulness in everyday activities, such as eating, walking, or even washing dishes, by paying full attention to the senses involved.

15. Adopt a gratitude mindset

When you focus on what you have, rather than what you lack, it is possible to change your perspective and improve your mood. Create a gratitude journal, where each day you write down those small or big things that make you smile, or take a few minutes to reflect on the good things you have in your life.

As you strengthen your gratitude mindset , you’ll notice your worldview becoming more positive and your mood becoming lighter.

Your mood map: explore and personalize

In this article, we’ve learned about various ways to restore your spirits on your own. Keep in mind that the key is not to apply them all right away, but to identify which ones resonate with you and adapt them to your situation. In turn, it’s possible that some strategies are useful at certain times and others in different circumstances.

Be flexible and patient as you try and adjust. Allow yourself to find what really helps you feel better. However, if despite trying these methods, your mood swings persist or are too intense, consider seeking professional help to get the support you need.