L-Theanine: benefits of this amino acid for your health

L-Theanine is an amino acid found primarily in the leaves of the tea plant and has numerous benefits for physical and mental health.

L-Theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves. It was discovered in the 1940s and has a number of important health benefits. This nutrient can be found in plant-based foods, such as some mushrooms . Some experts attribute organoleptic properties to it, such as providing umami flavour.

It is important to note that there are many different amino acids in food. Ensuring a proper intake of these nutrients helps to improve the functioning of the body, as each of them affects very specific parts of human physiology.

How does L-Theanine work?

In the body, L-Theanine has the ability to facilitate relaxation and sleep . This happens because it increases the levels of GABA in the body. It also increases serotonin and dopamine. Both neurotransmitters are essential to ensure adequate rest, at least according to research published in The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology .

In addition, the amino acid can help modulate mood, concentration and other sensations such as appetite . Ensuring a regular supply of it would contribute to an optimal synthesis of neurotransmitters at the brain level, which would translate into more efficient internal communication.

On the other hand, another of the properties attributed to L-Theanine is that it takes care of the production of certain brain waves . These are associated with a state of relaxation when the person is awake – it has been seen that there are activities that enhance them, such as meditation. These types of waves are closely related to creativity, for example, so it can be very positive to take care of their functioning.

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Benefits of L-Theanine

Among the main benefits of L-Theanine we highlight its impact on sleep quality through increased relaxation. According to a study published in Pharmaceutical Biology , its consumption could increase the duration of the REM phase , which is associated with better rest . Its supplementation is being studied to achieve optimal rest.

There is even speculation that the amino acid could be administered to children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to help them sleep more deeply and restfully. Although the results of the trials are not yet solid, they are encouraging.

On the other hand, L-Theanine may have a positive effect on blood pressure levels , reducing them. This helps to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular problems.

Positive effects have also been identified from its consumption in people with schizophrenia , since in these cases anxiety is reduced. The attention span and memory of these patients are said to be enhanced, which helps learning.

Other important dietary points

It is not only necessary to ensure a supply of L-theanine to achieve optimal sleep. There are other dietary strategies that are considered important in order to facilitate rest. The amino acid tryptophan has a lot to do with this, since it acts as a precursor of serotonin and melatonin. There are several foods that contain it, such as nuts.

It is also necessary to reduce the intake of ultra-processed foods with trans fats and simple sugars . These compounds increase inflammatory states in the body, negatively affecting rest and breaking the state of emotional balance. It is also advisable to exercise to slow down oxidation.

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L-Theanine and its relationship with rest and mental health

As you have seen, L-Theanine is an amino acid that plays a key role in sleep. It is found mainly in tea and some mushrooms, so it is not common in many people’s diets . Even so, its inclusion in the diet can bring important benefits.

The key is to combine good lifestyle habits to improve health and ensure adequate rest. Sports practice is essential. Also maintaining a good diet and avoiding the consumption of toxic substances. Finally, the importance of frequent exposure to sunlight should not be forgotten.