Breaking your chains, seeking freedom, bringing important messages… Birds are a symbol of many crucial things in human life. Find out here how they manifest in dreams.
Birds, symbols of power, freedom and the unattainable, are part of the collective imagination. That is why dreaming about birds has a deep meaning that is worth exploring and interpreting.
There are many situations in which a feathered creature appears in your dreams. In this article, we will analyze some of the most probable ones. Pay attention to all of them, because your emotions within what you dream and certain details are also relevant.
What does it mean to dream about birds?
A bird is something that takes flight whenever it senses danger, or that gets lost in the immensity of the sky until it almost disappears. It is, at the same time, freedom and relief, but it also represents something that is cloistered and loses its essence. Let’s get to know some common dream expressions, to know how to interpret your dreams with these animals.
Dreaming of a loving bird
There are many birds that live with us, which, for some, symbolizes pride, since they are skittish animals and rarely trust humans. If you dream that you gain the trust of a bird and it shows you affection, it may be a sign that you consider yourself worthy of the good things that happen to you. Your subconscious knows that you are someone trustworthy, even for the most fragile.
Dreaming of brightly colored birds
Colors have a direct effect on our dreams and emotions. They also contain meanings that vary from culture to culture and from individual to individual. When birds appear in your dream world displaying an intense color, it is good to analyze what it is and what it means to you. For example, a blue bird would symbolize freedom, while a white one, peace.
Dreaming of a bird in your hand
There are two different interpretations here, depending on the emotional tone of the dream. First, if the bird has landed on your hand voluntarily, it would be a symbol that you are attracting something good into your life. It would be a reflection of feeling lucky or secure, because what you need is coming to you.
However, if you caught the bird and it struggles to escape your grasp, the connotation is more negative. Perhaps it means you are limiting someone’s freedom or holding on to something that you should let go of. Reflect on this, because your autonomy or that of another person (or circumstance) would be compromised.
Dreaming of birds in a cage
If you feel sympathy and admiration for these animals, you will share their anguish when they are deprived of their freedom. Contemplating a caged bird is the possible image of your own feeling of confinement and loneliness, or the desire to break the bars that restrict your abilities.
Meaning of dreaming about birds flying through the sky
The joy you feel when you see a flock of birds flying across the sky is the same joy you feel when your bonds are broken. It is quite possible that this dream scenario is a symbol of prosperity and freedom, to the point where no one can take them away from you. It may also be a reflection of your relief, if you have just freed yourself from a situation that was limiting you.
Dreaming of a talking bird
Who hasn’t wanted to talk to animals at some point in their lives? Birds are often messengers in the collective imagination, so it’s possible that one of them talks to you in your dreams. This situation can be interpreted as a message from your own unconscious, perhaps with the intention of warning you about something you don’t perceive while awake.
Dreaming of injured or dead birds
One of the most terrible and hard images to observe is the fall of birds when there is a catastrophe. Therefore, dreaming of injured or dead birds is usually a metaphor for something serious happening that affects the most fragile first. It also has to do with feelings of loss, both personal and financial .
Meaning of dreaming about newborn birds
Chicks are, without a doubt, one of the images most closely related to prosperity and tenderness, almost in equal parts. Therefore, if in your dream little birds appear or you see them hatching from an egg, your subconscious would be telling you about a new opportunity and new beginnings. It is also related to recovering something that was believed to be about to disappear.
What does it mean to dream about a bird defecating on you?
Although we usually hate the moment when bird poop falls on us, in dreams there is a deeper symbolism. In general, it is linked to releasing something bad that is inside, so it would be representing the feeling that the people around you are using you to make you listen to complaints without taking into account how it affects you.
Meaning of dreaming about birds inside the house
Your home, or at least the one that appears in your dreams, tends to be a representation of your safe place . If a bird flies in, it could mean a projection of you looking for shelter. It is also possible that it is related to your willingness to welcome those people who need spaces where they can feel safe.
Dreaming of a black bird
The color black is generally associated with grief, danger, and everything that scares us about the dark. Birds of this color, such as crows, have the bad luck of being included in the repertoire of superstitions about bad luck. It is possible that your dream mind uses it to represent your fear of something bad and fortuitous happening to you.
What does it mean to dream about a bird attack?
When birds attack you in your dream, you may feel that others want to harm you or that your freedom is in danger. Added to this is the feeling of helplessness , since attacks from the sky are difficult to predict and avoid.
I dream that I am a bird, what does that mean?
In cases where you are the bird, the meaning of the dream will depend on the symbolism you attribute to this animal. Do you think of them as an image of freedom, fragility or prosperity? It is very likely that you identify with some of these traits and see yourself as a bird because you have them very present on a daily basis.
Interpret your dreams and get to know yourself better
Regardless of the interpretation given to dreams themselves, they are a very useful mechanism for the brain . They help process the events of the day and revisit repressed emotions, so don’t miss the opportunity to analyze them. It is a useful exercise in introspection in which you will get to know yourself a little better.
Please remember that the explanations you read here are for guidance purposes only, based on cultural meanings and their relationship to human emotions. Use them as a guide to draw your own conclusions and make more conscious decisions.