35 current topics to generate interesting debates

interesting debates

Whether at family gatherings or among friends, there is always the opportunity for debate. In this article, we provide you with a “menu” to give rise to interesting discussions.

There are currently many topics that deserve to be discussed. We refer to those topics for debate that concern us all and, by doing so, we contribute to forging an informed, critical, and committed community.

For this purpose, we present a list of 35 topics to discuss in different areas. These include politics, environmental protection, economics, and technology, among others. The idea is to provide various questions that lead to interesting discussions. Take note!

Topics to discuss about politics

It is often said that it is better not to discuss politics and religion. However, politics is a phenomenon that affects us all, and can therefore provide great topics for discussion. Take note of the suggestions below.

1. Democracy in the digital age

What are the challenges and opportunities of technology for democracy? What measures can governments take to protect democracy in the digital age? Can social media and technology be used in favor of democracy? How can social media be used as an opportunity for citizen participation?

2. Climate change

Climate change has serious consequences for the environment, the economy and society, which is why it is one of the topics of debate today. What is the role of governments in the fight against climate change? What responsibility do we as citizens have? What are the barriers to the effective implementation of public policies?

3. Migration and refugee crisis

Millions of people are displaced from their regions by economic conflicts and natural disasters. How can governments ensure the safety of refugees? What role do international organisations play? What are the impacts of migration on the economy and society of host countries?

4. Legalization of drugs

While some argue that legalizing drugs would reduce violence and crime, others argue that it would increase drug use. So what are the results of countries that have already implemented this policy? How does it affect the economy and society? What about public health and safety?

5. The gender gap in political leadership

Women’s representation in political leadership positions is low compared to that of men. We may ask: How can we close this gap? What measures have been taken to address this inequality in political leadership? Are such measures effective?

Topics to discuss about technology and society

In recent decades, technological progress has been exponential, making it an excellent topic for debate. We propose the following topics.

6. Artificial intelligence (AI) and employment

AI in the workplace  has the potential to increase efficiency and reduce costs. However, some believe it could replace human workers, leading to increased unemployment.

From there, how does AI affect the labour market? What measures can be taken to reduce the negative effects of AI on employment?

7. Ethics in the development and use of technology

Technology must be used responsibly so that it does not harm people and the environment. How can innovation and progress be balanced with responsibility and ethics? What government measures should be put in place for ethical use of technology? What happens when unethical practices occur?

8. The influence of social networks on public opinion

How can disinformation on social media be controlled? How can people assess the credibility of information they see on social media? Can social media prevent public opinion from being manipulated?

Topics to discuss about economics

Sometimes we question whether our economic system is fair or whether there is an alternative that would allow us to live better. It is a fact that economic structures have an impact on human well-being. We suggest the following economic topics for discussion.

9. Economic inequality

Economic inequality is a phenomenon that affects the entire planet. Some argue that it is inevitable and part of economic cycles. Others believe that it represents a threat to the stability of societies. What are the causes of this inequality? What measures would reduce it?

10. Globalization and its effects

Does globalization promote economic development and the integration of countries into the world economy? Does it generate economic inequality? What are its effects on developing and developed countries? Which government policies benefit globalization? And which policies undermine this objective?

11. Cryptocurrencies

Many people use cryptocurrencies. But what are their risks and advantages? How can they be regulated so that they are not used for illegal purposes? What are the benefits of their widespread use?

12. Circular economy

The circular economy can be seen as a sustainable way of production and consumption. Or, it can be seen as a difficult and expensive process to implement. It is worth asking ourselves: what are its benefits and challenges? Can companies adopt the circular economy in their daily practices? What role do technologies play in promoting the circular economy?

Current topics on health and well-being

Health and well-being are very important topics nowadays. However, there are some issues that are subject to collective debate.

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13. Mandatory vaccination

This topic for debate has been very popular during the COVID-19 pandemic. Those in favor of it believe that it benefits public health. Meanwhile, those against it point out that it represents an attack on individual freedoms.

So how do we tackle myths and misinformation about vaccines? What role do health professionals have? And governments?

14. Legalization of cannabis for medicinal purposes

The legalization of cannabis is a current issue and its impact reaches the field of scientific research and popular mobilization. What evidence is there in favor? Does legalization have an effect on recreational use of the same? How can both uses be regulated?

15. Obesity and healthy eating

The boundaries between individual responsibility and state regulation for controlling obesity in the population are becoming blurred. So, should there be state control over the food industry? How can companies contribute to promoting healthier foods? Is it up to governments to educate and raise awareness about healthy eating and nutrition?

16. Emotional intelligence

We call emotional intelligence the ability to understand and manage our emotions. The debate arises between considering it as an innate ability or something learned and developed. So, can education develop emotional intelligence? What are its benefits for emotional and mental well-being? Is it possible to measure and evaluate it?

17. Remote work

Remote work has gained relevance in recent years. Among the topics to be discussed are its advantages and disadvantages, worker productivity and the quality of their work, among others.

This debate invites us to think about what kind of work is done remotely? How does it impact mental health? And on socializing between employees?

Topics for debate on environmental care

Caring for the planet in times of environmental crisis is a topic that concerns us all. We are part of this planet and we have no other to turn to. Therefore, debating these issues is imperative today. See the following proposals.

18. Renewable energy

In recent decades, renewable energy has begun to be seen as a more sustainable source. It is considered to help reduce the use of fossil fuels.

So, is renewable energy the key to combating climate change? How does the use of renewable energy impact the environment and the economy? Can it be implemented in different contexts?

19. Deforestation and loss of biodiversity

The debate surrounding this problem arises between those who maintain that it represents a threat to the survival of the species. On the other hand, there are those who see the exploitation of natural resources as a source of economic development.

We must ask ourselves: how can we protect natural ecosystems and biodiversity? What public policies favor their protection? What can we do to achieve this?

20. Single-use plastics

The use of non-recyclable plastics is one of the causes of environmental pollution. Despite this, their widespread use is due to the fact that they are more convenient and practical for daily life. But what are their negative impacts on the environment and human health? How can we educate and raise awareness among the population to reduce their use?

21. Urban development or conservation of the natural environment?

On the one hand, urban development is necessary for economic progress and quality of life. However, we must be careful with the natural environment in order to prevent development and urbanization processes from destroying it.

If we think about it, the environment is our source of natural resources. How can we balance both? Is there such a thing as sustainable urban development? How can we put it into practice? Can natural environments coexist in urban areas?

Topics to discuss about education

Education also involves us all, since we all go through the educational system. Generating debates about this helps us to think about and improve our educational quality.

22. Virtual education and face-to-face education

The COVID-19 pandemic brought to the fore the debate about virtual and in-person education. So much so that virtual education seems to be here to stay, as it is more accessible and flexible.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of both types of education? Can they be combined to achieve more effective learning? What about those people who do not have internet connectivity?

23. Access to education in developing countries

Education is a fundamental human right, as specified by UNESCO . And this is independent of the geographical location or socioeconomic level of people.

Given the above, what are the challenges to access to education in developing countries? How can students be prepared to contribute to economic development? What role do governments have in promoting education?

24. AI and teaching

In a world where technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, we must think about introducing its developments into education. In this regard, AI can improve the effectiveness of teaching.

Nevertheless, we must open the debate. Is its use intended to replace human interaction? What new skills and knowledge does the use of AI demand from educators? Should its use be regulated in classrooms?

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25. Cultural diversity in the classroom

Cultural diversity in classrooms includes differences in race, ethnicity, religion, language, among others. We may ask ourselves, how can we address diversity in classrooms? Is there cultural diversity in curricula and teaching materials? How can we make up for the lack of consideration for diversity in communities?

Current issues on ethics and values

Debating ethics and values ​​is essential, since we live in a society and we are constantly faced with making decisions, both individually and collectively. The following topics contribute to reflecting and discussing certain issues that are circulating today.

26. Ethics in scientific experimentation

Ethics in scientific experimentation considers that advancing knowledge must go hand in hand with the protection of the animals and humans involved. Therefore, what ethical responsibilities do researchers have? How can they address ethical challenges in researching new technologies? What regulations and ethical standards exist for scientific research?

27. Euthanasia

Euthanasia involves the direct action of a physician to end the life of a patient. This raises certain ethical and moral questions for health professionals and is a major topic for debate.

How can we ensure patients’ rights? Is euthanasia only valid in cases of terminal illness or extreme suffering? How can we ensure that patients understand the implications of making this decision?

28. Death penalty

Is the death penalty a fair punishment for criminals? Does it not violate the right to life? How can we ensure that this practice is used in cases of serious crimes and is not applicable to all crimes? How can the death penalty be used in an ethical and moral manner?

29. The ethics of consumption

Consumer purchasing decisions affect society and the environment. What role does advertising and marketing play in consumer decisions? How can companies develop sustainable production and distribution? Why should we adopt a more conscious attitude when purchasing?

30. AI and the future of medicine

AI has great potential to improve the accuracy and efficiency of healthcare. However, we can think about what are the risks of using AI in healthcare? How to ensure that it does not perpetuate biases and prejudices already existing in healthcare? What strategies can be deployed to address the lack of access to technology in some countries?

31. Human cloning and its ethical implications

Within the possibilities of human cloning , it is possible to find ourselves with the creation of genetically identical human beings. This generates a debate regarding the ethical and moral questions about this practice. How does human cloning affect identity? Can it harm genetic diversity and human evolution?

Topics to discuss about human rights

In this section we propose some current issues related to human rights, important to aspire to a more inclusive and equal society, without any discrimination, as indicated by the United Nations .

32. LGBTQ+ rights and legislative advances

This debate focuses on the fight for equal rights and protection of LGBTQ+ people . In this discussion, there are challenges and controversies around employment discrimination, equal marriage, transgender rights, etc.

Some questions to generate interesting debates are: What legislative progress has been made? How is violence and discrimination addressed?

33. Labor exploitation

In the midst of the capitalist era, there are forms of labor exploitation. Examples of this are long hours, low wages, lack of labor protection, and more.

In this regard, why does labour exploitation continue to exist? Do consumers have some responsibility in this? How can workers defend their labour rights?

34. Freedom of the press

This topic for discussion involves the inclusion of three interrelated issues. On the one hand, we have freedom of expression as a fundamental human right. On the other hand, there is the right to information as a means to achieve this.

And finally, the existence of a pluralism of communication that would help with the two previous issues. The important thing is to achieve a society in which all opinions are included.

35.  Social reintegration for persons deprived of liberty

This is a highly relevant topic, as it seeks effective social reintegration and a reduction in the rate of criminal recidivism. Some questions to guide the debate are: What measures can be implemented to improve their education, training and job training? Can service and support programs prevent criminal recidivism?

Keys to debating with respect

When discussing interesting but controversial topics, conflict situations may arise, especially if participants seek to be right and impose their point of view. In light of this, it is advisable to develop skills of inclusion and tolerance for the diversity of opinions.

When we express our views on current issues, we are likely to encounter different and even opposing opinions. Dialogue should be considered the main tool for sharing different views. In this way, disagreements will develop peacefully.

During the debate, consider practicing oral skills, implementing active listening, keeping in mind that you are seeking conflict resolution and, above all, respecting other people’s opinions.