Keys to motivating a sports team

Motivation is a fundamental pillar of performance in individual and collective sports. Find out in this article how coaches can increase this state of mind in their players.

It is essential for every coach to know techniques that allow him to motivate his sports team. This state of mind is a basic psychological process that is related to the optimal performance of athletes in any discipline.

Despite being a fundamental variable, there is a lot of ignorance about how to enhance group motivation. There is a mistaken tendency to believe that it regulates itself, but it is possible to act on it to increase it.

Based on this, we will now look at the two main types of stimuli and how to influence the enthusiasm of a group of athletes.

Intrinsic motivation, doing sports for the pleasure it produces

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when we think of a motivated athlete is that they work hard because they enjoy their discipline. In these cases we are referring to intrinsic motivation , or starting and persisting in a behavior because it provides personal gratification.

This type of incentive is basic. The pain, sacrifice and perseverance become so great that there has to be something to sustain the person or team; otherwise, they will gradually lose momentum until they give up.

An interesting aspect to comment on is that intrinsic motivation is related to the level of experience in competition. That is to say: the higher the competitive level, the more personal commitment the athlete acquires. On the contrary, amateurs need to constantly reinforce it in order not to lose their desire.

How to enhance it

As mentioned, this motivation is directly related to performance .  Taking this into account, let’s look at a list of some recommendations to encourage it.

1. Strengthens group cohesion

Promoting group cohesion is a task that coaches should work on in each session, aimed at motivating their sports team. The power of the group to get the best out of each of its members is maximized when the union between members is optimal. And to strengthen relationships between players, it is possible to carry out the following ideas:

  • Promote dynamics in which there is open communication between players.
  • Do exercises in training that require cooperation to achieve success .
  • Spend time with the athletes playing. This allows them to interact with each other in more relaxed and informal activities.
  • Promote shared leadership . This gives all members the opportunity to lead, increasing their sense of belonging and learning conflict resolution strategies .
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2. Use emotional techniques

If there is one thing that characterizes teams, it is the amount of emotions they are capable of generating among people. Everything is experienced much more intensely, for better or worse, when you are part of the community.

For this reason, coaches should take advantage of this quality to their advantage through positive emotions that promote performance.  The main one is visualization . For example, imagining in a collective session that a championship desired by all is achieved.

3. Highlight the role of each member in the team

Diversity within groups is their best quality. Each member brings something special and necessary for the whole to work. Instructors should keep this in mind and make efforts to highlight the virtues of each athlete, both physically and in their personality.

In this way, the athlete will feel that he is a key piece. This will increase his enthusiasm to work as a group to benefit his abilities, and collectively to contribute to the team.

4. Incorporate socio-affective dynamics into training

There is no need to worry only about developing the physical part. A coach knows that intra-group relationships and emotions are important, and gives them the space they deserve in exercises to motivate a sports team.

This is reflected in the socio-affective dynamics that take place at the beginning or end of the session. The aim of these is to develop new links within the team, to teach them to cooperate and to increase their identification with others.

Extrinsic motivation or the power of rewards

To motivate a sports team, extrinsic or external motivation cannot be ignored . It involves regulating behavior from the outside and includes prizes, rewards, praise or reinforcements that other people provide and have an impact on us.

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This type of motivation is not bad, in fact, in many sporting scenarios it is inevitable. What we must keep in mind is that it is more unstable than when regulation comes from within.

Also, according to a study by the University of Flores , it is linked to performance when the environment and social context are facilitating. Therefore, coaches should be skilled in handling this type of rewards. Examples of external reinforcers that can be used to motivate players are the following:

  • Awarding cash bonuses for winning matches or championships.
  • Offer time off and vacation time for significant wins.
  • Consider material rewards (meals, trips or sports equipment).
  • Manage privileges within the team, such as ownership, relevance, captaincy, and more.
  • Give compliments and frequent displays of affection, such as smiles, hugs, motivational phrases and any kind of loving gesture.

Applying these keys translates into performance and integration

A study by the Central University of Ecuador states that coaches today need to know about anatomy, medicine, pedagogy, sports psychology , statistics, physics, etc. In addition, they have to be able to integrate all their knowledge and transmit it effectively to their teams.

As you can see, sports management involves understanding the group and all the athletes that make it up. It is much more than deciding who plays, it is also about using techniques to maintain enthusiasm. It also involves regulating processes so that the group performs at the best possible level.

And if you apply the principles shared here to motivate a sports team, the results are sure to lead to optimal performance and a better way of relating within the group.