Is it possible to eliminate anxiety forever?

anxiety forever

Although there is no way to get rid of anxiety completely, it is possible to learn to regulate and reduce its impact by using strategies such as mindfulness, psychotherapy and others that you will find in this article.

Anxiety cannot be completely eliminated because it is a natural response of the body to real or perceived danger. Some of the symptoms of this state are worry, restlessness and nervousness. And it is true that being anxious keeps us alert to face challenges and make quick decisions. So far, although uncomfortable, it is functional.

But if it becomes persistent and/or disproportionate in terms of threat level, it could bring us more problems than benefits. In these cases, it is possible to learn to manage it and soften its power by using effective techniques , backed by science and which we present in this reading.

Anxiety, a discomfort that can be reduced

We are dealing with a normal emotional and physical reaction or a clinical condition that requires professional treatment, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder or phobias.

Although clinical anxiety cannot always be completely cured, many people achieve a lasting and significant reduction in symptoms and an improvement in quality of life. They will still experience some of this state at times, just like anyone else.

As a normal and useful part of the human experience, anxiety cannot be erased forever because of its adaptive function. For example, feeling it before a job interview may motivate you to prepare your speech and practice answers to make a good impression.

What can be done is to reduce its intensity and impact on a daily basis. It is even possible to work to prevent it from arising in situations that do not justify it, which involves learning to distinguish between real dangers and unfounded concerns.

How to reduce anxiety

It is a fact that anxiety has increased considerably in recent times. The accelerated pace of life, the brutal advance of technology, information overload and socio-economic crises in many corners of the world are factors that make calm a difficult state to achieve.

However, there is good news. The scientific community has set out to discover what helps alleviate anxiety symptoms . Thanks to this research, we now have a better understanding of what minimizes and what fuels this feeling of fear. Take note of the following strategies.

1. Attend psychotherapy

The approach with the greatest empirical support for treating this problem is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). One of its main techniques, cognitive restructuring , helps replace distorted thoughts that reinforce anxiety attacks with more realistic and healthy ones. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is another recommended approach.

So, if you feel like you’re being affected by anxiety episodes more than usual or you’re wondering if you might be dealing with a related clinical problem, it’s important to seek professional attention.

2. Develop healthy routines and habits

Maintaining quality sleep, doing physical activity and eating well are essential habits for your physical and mental health. Neglecting these aspects is directly related to the appearance of anxiety symptoms.

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Regarding sleep, it is important to maintain a regular schedule, make sure the bedroom is dark, cool and quiet, and avoid exposure to screens at least one hour before bedtime.

When it comes to diet, the key is variety and balance. This ensures that you get the nutrients you need for overall well-being. It is crucial to include fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and foods rich in omega-3 . In addition, it is advisable to limit caffeine and sugar consumption.

As for physical exercise to relieve anxiety , choose the activity that you like the most. Don’t force yourself to go to the gym if it’s not your thing; you can walk, swim, play basketball, dance or any other option that keeps you away from a sedentary lifestyle. The WHO suggests doing at least 2.5 to 5 hours of activity a week.

3. Practice gratitude and radical acceptance

Research from the University of Rome found that practicing gratitude can protect against anxiety and depression. This means cultivating an attitude of recognition and appreciation toward the positive aspects of your life. Here are some ways to do it:

  • Be aware of everything you have.
  • Thank people for their support and kindness.
  • Keep a gratitude journal where you write down one or two things you are grateful for each day.

Radical acceptance is another of the most powerful methods for reducing stress. It involves learning to accept reality as it is, without fighting it. Instead of resisting what you cannot change or clinging to how things “should” be, accept the present reality.

4. Cultivate tolerance for discomfort and uncertainty

Dealing with frustration and uncertainty can be difficult, but learning to accept them as part of life is very liberating. Instead of trying to control what you cannot (the actions of others, the weather, the decisions of political leaders), focus on what is in your hands, within your control (your attitude, your habits , your decisions).

5. Learn mindfulness and other stress management techniques

Mindfulness-based stress reduction ( MBSR) is one of the most scientifically supported practices for problems like this. A study published in JAMA Psychiatry found that MBSR is as effective as escitalopram, an antidepressant often used by professionals to treat anxiety symptoms.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to become a Zen master to benefit from mindfulness. In fact, you can apply this method in simple, everyday ways, for example, by doing the following:

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6. Limit screen time and make conscious use of social media

It is no news that excessive use of technology results in lower psychological well-being. Social media, if misused, becomes a source of stress and anxiety for several reasons; information overload, comparison, pressure for appearance, FOMO , among others.

An effective way to counteract these effects is mindful screen time . It involves setting time limits for being online (and sticking to them) and consciously choosing the type of content you consume. Although it’s not easy to achieve, with practice and self-control you can improve your experience.

7. Consume less foods and drinks that may be contributing to the problem

As mentioned, diet also plays a big role in mood. Some foods and drinks can increase anxious episodes or worsen their symptoms. Scientific evidence indicates that limiting certain products can bring about positive change. Consider cutting back on these:

  • Alcohol.
  • Sugar and refined carbohydrates.
  • Caffeine in coffee, black tea, green tea, energy drinks and soft drinks.
  • Ultra-processed and high-sodium foods, such as snacks and sausages.
  • Foods high in refined fats, such as fast food and fried foods.

A Harvard University report on nutritional strategies to combat anxiety recommends, in addition to fruits, vegetables and whole grains, including the following in the diet:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids (such as salmon).
  • Probiotics (such as kefir and Greek yogurt).
  • Foods rich in magnesium (such as spinach and nuts).
  • Foods rich in vitamin B (such as avocado and almonds).
  • Foods rich in zinc (such as shellfish, nuts, seeds and legumes).

Medications and natural remedies to calm nervousness

For those who deal with high levels of anxiety, prescription medications represent an important part of treatment, along with psychotherapy. However,  it is essential that any use of drugs is always under the direction and supervision of a professional.

In general, anxiolytics, such as benzodiazepines, or antidepressants, especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are used.

If you are looking for complementary or natural options to reduce restlessness, there are several options. Valerian, chamomile, lavender essential oil and passionflower are the most commonly used.

Eradicate no, attenuate yes

While it is an inevitable part of our existence, we don’t have to let this emotion dominate our lives. It’s already clear that it’s not about getting rid of it forever, but rather learning to manage it in a way that allows us to live more freely and fulfillingly. Remember; the key is in the small daily actions that, when accumulated, make a big difference.