10 signs that a man is intimidated by you

Intimidation is the emotional response that occurs when someone feels in danger or threatened. Find out how men usually react when a woman intimidates them.
A man feeling intimidated by a woman is a common reaction nowadays. In recent decades, the traditional position of men in society, previously seen as tough and aggressive, has been questioned. In addition, gender roles have changed and, with this, so have positions of power, promoting more equal and empathetic relationships.

Previously, the opposite was expected: that women would be submissive to men. However, recent social advances have broken this asymmetry and even reversed it in some cases. In order to make it easier to recognize them, let’s review the reasons that would explain why a gentleman feels intimidated by you.

What does it mean for a man to be intimidated by a woman?

The fact that a man feels uncomfortable in the presence of a woman is due to multiple causes, from external influences to internalized sexist prejudices .

First of all, the influence of physical appearance is noteworthy. Some girls have an attractiveness that can leave others speechless. And this, together with other positive attributes, may contribute to people idealizing her .

Another reason is the presence of qualities such as extroversion or self-confidence , which create the image of a woman who is daring or difficult to conquer; what is traditionally considered “a tough woman.”

Finally, deep-rooted sexist beliefs can foster negative emotional reactions toward women . Although many do not express it openly, there is an assumption that women should be quiet and introverted. When these expectations are not met, they tend to generate reactions of strangeness or perplexity.

How does an intimidated man react?

Now that we have seen the reasons that explain feelings of intimidation, we will go on to detail the main reactions to them. Continue reading and find out if any of them sound familiar to you.

1. Act defensively

The most natural reaction to bullying is to attack, and defensiveness is the usual way this attack occurs. The function of such behavior is to protect ourselves from danger or a person who represents harm. It is also a solution to release feelings of shame or inferiority.

Defensive behaviors are intended to safeguard our self-esteem, especially if it is fragile or depends on external elements. Examples of such attitudes towards a girl include refusing to go out because he pretends he is busy or justifying in any way his indifference towards her.

2. Try to compete

A very obvious sign that you intimidate a guy is that he is competitive. Although it may seem like a hostile gesture, the truth is that a girl with power is something that destabilizes many guys. Therefore, competing is a way of trying to regain control and test his self-concept.

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In the initial stages of a relationship, small doses of competition are not bad. They can even be a form of game if both parties consider it so, but doing so out of fear is counterproductive in love.

3. Compensate with other qualities

When one feels inferior to another person, it is possible to compensate with other qualities, so that we do not feel in that position. This defense mechanism consists of highlighting those positive aspects that one has and that differentiate one from the rest.

Compensation is not negative, in fact, it is a widely used strategy that helps to improve our virtues. However, if we abuse it, we run the risk of becoming narcissists . We must accept that as human beings we have virtues and defects, and that both make us worthy of love.

4. He gets nervous

Feeling nervous is a sign that something is bothering us. Many men tend to get nervous when they feel intimidated by a woman, but they are less likely to recognize their emotional states.

This is one of the reasons why empowered women have a hard time finding a partner. If someone is anxious, it is difficult for them to relate naturally and spontaneously.

5. Shows sudden changes in behavior

An uncomfortable man reveals sudden changes in his behavior, all for no apparent reason. For example, if he used to be open and talkative, he becomes quiet and reserved, and vice versa.

These changes become more noticeable in social situations where they are together. When they detect your presence and feel intimidated, they will try to regulate themselves through changes in attitude.

6. Disappears without a sign

Have you ever experienced your date suddenly disappearing without giving any sign? This is the famous ghosting , when the connection is cut without any argument and any prior contact is avoided.

In this situation, those affected tend to blame themselves and believe that something bad in them caused this outburst. Even so, you should not blame yourself, since the cause does not lie in you, but in him. Maybe he felt intimidated and as the only escape he chose to run away.

7. Avoid taking the initiative

Many people still believe that men should take the initiative when it comes to dating. Although this is a prejudice, if a man appears withdrawn and inhibited when facing a woman, it is actually a sign that he feels intimidated.

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The aim of this attitude is to protect oneself from the fear of rejection. Passivity is comfortable, because one does not risk receiving a sign of disapproval. But this can also be misinterpreted from the outside as a lack of interest.

8. He forms a group with other men

Taking refuge in a peer group is a common strategy when we feel threatened. Groups serve a regulatory function, providing security and protection if we need it, even when they are made up of people who are similar to us.

However, while the group provides relief, it must be acknowledged that it is an obstacle to dealing with new people. If we always surround ourselves with the same people, we close ourselves off from opportunities to connect with someone on a more intimate level.

9. Avoid eye contact

Body language also gives us a lot of information about the reactions of an intimidated man. Avoiding eye contact is the most typical sign that indicates discomfort in a situation or with another person. In fact, it is a very typical behavior in the animal kingdom that marks the power dynamics in social species.

Some women interpret this sign as a lack of interest on the part of the man. This makes it difficult to start a conversation and, ultimately, to get to know someone in depth.

10. Show off to impress

A man who feels intimidated is capable of making great efforts to stand out: boasting about his triumphs, achievements and, in more extreme cases, inventing stories in order to surprise the woman.

These may be interesting stories, but the attempts could also be perceived as inauthentic, and sometimes there is a negative self-concept underlying them. To let someone know you, there is no better advice than to be natural.

Recognize these signs and handle the situation

Humans, as social animals, are sensitive to the signals that others send us. When we feel intimidated, it is impossible for us to avoid reacting, either with an offensive strategy or, on the contrary, a defensive one.

Keeping this in mind helps us understand that when another person reacts harshly, it is not our fault. We should not act in a way that we are not comfortable with just to please someone. Therefore, if you notice these signs of intimidation, it is best to let the other party know and, if you do not reach an understanding, not force something that cannot happen.